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Category Archives: Sherlock Holmes

The 1972 Sherlock Bones Hobo Dollar

The 1972 Sherlock Bones Hobo Dollar

“Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!’” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN) Back in 1992, the Original Hobo Nickel Society was formed to promote the collecting of engraved buffalo nickels that had been produced prior to 1980. Most of these “original” nickels were engraved with nails, knifes, files and perhaps… Continue Reading

The Watson Investigations Medal from Fiesta San Antonio 2017

The Watson Investigations Medal from Fiesta San Antonio 2017

“And a singularly consistent investigation you have made, my dear Watson…” – The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax (LADY) The city of San Antonio, Texas holds a annual spring festival each May that is simply called “Fiesta.” First started in 1891 as a simple parade to remember the Battle of the Alamo, the event has grown… Continue Reading

The 2003 Sherlock Mickey Elongated Quarter

The 2003 Sherlock Mickey Elongated Quarter

“… play with me like a cat with a mouse.” – The Adventure of the Abbey Grange (ABBE) The Walt Disney Company launched a huge celebration in 2003 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Mickey Mouse. At Walt Disney World, in Orlando, Florida, they had the 75 Years with Mickey celebration that launched on March 1st… Continue Reading

The 1992 Sherlock Holmes Lives On Medal

The 1992 Sherlock Holmes Lives On Medal

“Here is an advertisement which will interest you.” – The Advenyture of the Engineer’s Thumb (ENGR) Peter E. Blau, the 13th Garrideb, was kind to respond to last week’s HolmeWork assignment, and has provided us with a scan of Classic Specialities’ advertisement for the Sherlock Holmes Lives On medal. This ad appeared on page 36… Continue Reading

The Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society Challenge Coin

The Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society Challenge Coin

“… the detective police force …” – The Sign of the Four (SIGN)       The Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society, the group that represents detectives of the Boston police in collective bargaining negotiations, issued this challenge coin in 2015. It is unique among the challenge coins we have discussed to date on our site with… Continue Reading

HolmeWork Assignment: The 1992 Sherlock Holmes Lives Medal

HolmeWork Assignment: The 1992 Sherlock Holmes Lives Medal

“He lives as in a strange dream.” – The Adventure of the Creeping Man (CREE) The Universal Sherlock Holmes by Ronald Burt De Waal and 14th Garrideb, George A. Vanderburgh has been a tremendous reference tool to your Mycroft as we first attempted to discover what Sherlockian numismatic items existed. Every once in a while,… Continue Reading

Three Varieties of Benedict Cumberbatch Personality Dollars

Three Varieties of Benedict Cumberbatch Personality Dollars

“It might be his portrait.” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN) Last month, we posted a Holmework Assignment regarding the Personality Dollar Bills of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce and were rewarded with examples in a follow-up post a week later. We now turn our attention to Personality Dollar Bills of Benedict Cumberbatch of… Continue Reading

From the John Bennett Shaw Collection: Sherlock Holmes and the IRS

From the John Bennett Shaw Collection: Sherlock Holmes and the IRS

“… another penny on the income tax.” – The Adventure of the Second Stain (SECO) With the April 15th deadline fast approaching to file one’s tax returns, here in the States, this cartoon seemed appropriate. The above cartoon was published in the January 1973 issue of Weight Watchers and was in the scrapbook of noted Sherlockian, John… Continue Reading