A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

The 2018 Russian 25 Rubles “Hooray for Hollywood” Coin Featuring Cumberbatch
” A man might as well live in Russia …”
– The Valley of Fear (VALL)
As more and more countries learn there is easy money to be made is striking coins appealing to the fans of major pop culture stars, we are starting to see more with Sherlockian ties.. In 2018, Russia issued a series of 25 rubles coins featuring Hollywood male television and movie stars. One of the actors honored is Benedict Cumberbatch, who played the title role in the recent BBC Sherlock television series
This copper nickel coin is 27mm in diameter and can be found quite easily on that four lettered online marketplace.
We hope to update this description once we get our hands on an example to view more closely. The one we ordered took 16 days to arrive in the USA from Moscow and now has spent 19 days floating around the USPS faciities in the metropolitan Baltimore area.