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Category Archives: Sherlock Holmes

A Second U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory Challenge Coin

A Second U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory Challenge Coin

“The bottle was downstairs in my laboratory …” – The Adventure of the Resident Patient (RESI)       Last August, we reported on a Sherlockian themed challenge coin issued by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory. We now have a second challenge coin, with two major differences from our first reported challenge coin. This… Continue Reading

The Department of Defense Computer Forensics Laboratory Challenge Coin

The Department of Defense Computer Forensics Laboratory Challenge Coin

“… some of the government departments.” – The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (GREE)      Our “newest” Sherlockian-themed challenge coin is from the Computer Forensics Laboratory of the Department of Defense. In 1998, the Deputy Secretary of Defense instructed he Air Force create a department to handle digital and multimedia forensics, cyber investigative training, technical solutions… Continue Reading

“Has Anything Escaped Me?” – Sherlockian Miscellaneous

“Has Anything Escaped Me?” – Sherlockian Miscellaneous

“In my profession all sorts of odd knowledge comes useful…” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR) A collection of possible items of interest — Gregory L. Zentz, the 18th Garrideb, has shared with us an online database that provides both numismatic and intrinsic coin values called CoinTrackers. That guy pictured on their logo… Continue Reading

NYPD’s Special Investigations Division Major Case Squad Challenge Coin

NYPD’s Special Investigations Division Major Case Squad Challenge Coin

“Brilliant Police Investigation” – The Adventure of the Retired Colourman (RETI) The Major Case Squad of the New York Police Department’s Special Investigation Division has issued a Sherlockian themed challenge coin. OBVERSE: SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION / (silhouette of a right-facing Sherlock Holmes, wearing a deerstalker and holding a magnifying glass, upon a background of the U.S.… Continue Reading

HolmeWork Assignment: The Imperial Theatre $5 Advertising Note

HolmeWork Assignment: The Imperial Theatre $5 Advertising Note

“We were to go to the theatre.” – The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans (BRUC) In the late 19th and early 20th century, it was somewhat common to see advertisements on what seemed at first glance to be an old Confederate States of America banknote. Our next HolmeWork assignment is one of those examples and was… Continue Reading

Richmond County (NY) District Attorney Investigation Bureau Challenge Coin

Richmond County (NY) District Attorney Investigation Bureau Challenge Coin

“Cross-examined by the clever attorney …” – The Valley of Fear (VALL)       In 2016, the Investigation Bureau of the Richmond County (New York) District Attorney’s office issued a Sherlockian themed challenge coin. Richmond County is all of the borough of Staten Island, so it is a part of New York City. OBVERSE:… Continue Reading