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Category Archives: Sherlock Holmes

A Second Variety of the Chicago Police Detectives Challenge Coin

A Second Variety of the Chicago Police Detectives Challenge Coin

“I was an officer in Chicago…” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) Two varieties of the Chicago Police Detectives Challenge Coin – the “original” design from circa 2007 on the left and the revised “detailed” design from 2015 on the right Two years ago, we first posted about the Sherlockian themed challenge coin issued by… Continue Reading

The Rathbone & Bruce Personality Dollar Bills

The Rathbone & Bruce Personality Dollar Bills

“… for his bills were all paid in ready money …” – The Adventure of the Five Orange Pipsi (FIVE) Last week, we published our Holmework Assignment for February asking for assistance with the Personality Dollar Bills of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce that were issued in the 1980’s and 1990’s, Peter E. Blau, the 13th… Continue Reading

HolmeWork Assignment: Rathbone & Bruce Personality Dollar Bills

HolmeWork Assignment: Rathbone & Bruce Personality Dollar Bills

“… for his bills were all paid in ready money …” – The Adventure of the Five Orange Pipsi (FIVE) This month’s HolmeWork assignment is once again due to a brief nugget that appeared in Peter E. Blau’s Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press. From the November 1995: From This Old House (Box 468, Almont, MI 48003) offers… Continue Reading

NYPD’s Transit Police Sherlockian Themed Challenge Coin

NYPD’s Transit Police Sherlockian Themed Challenge Coin

“… the giant rat of Sumatra, a story for which the world is not yet prepared.” – The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire (SUSS)       We have another challenge coin from the New York Police Department Detective Bureau, this time from the Transit Police division. OBVERSE: CENTRAL ROBBERY / (detective bureau logo superimosed over… Continue Reading

Nigel Stock and Peter Cushing on a Japanese Phone Card

Nigel Stock and Peter Cushing on a Japanese Phone Card

“… actors in this drama…” – The Adventure of the Second Stain (SECO) Peter Cushing and Nigel Stock were to portray Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson for 16 episodes of Sherlock Holmes on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in 1968. Stock had portrayed Watson in the first 13 episodes of the series in 1964 and 1965, with… Continue Reading

A Newly Discovered 1994 Gibraltar Return of Sherlock Holmes Coin

A Newly Discovered 1994 Gibraltar Return of Sherlock Holmes Coin

“More puzzled than ever…” – The Adventure of The Empty House (EMPT) The title of this post is slightly misleading. The coin I am about to write about has been listed in the Standard Catalog of World Coins for several years, having been assigned the catalog number of KM-574. But this particular coin was not mentioned… Continue Reading

Visa’s 2012 London Olympic Games Sherlock Holmes Pin

Visa’s 2012 London Olympic Games Sherlock Holmes Pin

“The hand which fastened that pin…” – A Study in Scarlet (STUD) Your editor is also a collector of Sherlockian lapel pins and recently came across the above pictured lapel pin. The Summer and Winter Olympic Games are a boon to pin collectors, with hundreds of pins being issued to commemorate the Games by various… Continue Reading