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Tag Archives: Coinage

Tuvalu Issues 2014 Sherlock Holmes – Gloria Scott Dollar Coin

Tuvalu Issues 2014 Sherlock Holmes – Gloria Scott Dollar Coin

“…These are the documents in the extraordinary case of the Gloria Scott, and this is the message which struck Justice of the Peace Trevor dead with horror when he read it.” – The Adventure of The Gloria Scott (GLOR) The south pacific island of Tuvalu has chosen the ship Gloria Scott and detective Sherlock Holmes as one… Continue Reading

Isle of Man Fairy Coins of 1996-1998

Isle of Man Fairy Coins of 1996-1998

“‘Do you find it interesting?’ ‘To a collector of fairy-tales.’” – The Hound of The Baskervilles (HOUN) Arthur Conan Doyle’s interest in spiritualism has been well documented. In 1917, two young cousins, Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright, were photographed with “fairies,” near Cottingley, England. These photographs were shared with a few family members who then… Continue Reading

Gibraltar’s 1994 221B Baker Street Crowns

Gibraltar’s 1994 221B Baker Street Crowns

” … some of the illustrious clients who crossed our humble threshold in Baker Street.” – The Adventure of Black Peter (BLAC) Gibraltar released 8 different designs for its 1994 series of coins commemorating the 100th anniversary of the return of Sherlock Holmes. In this post, we will discuss the three coins that feature an outside scene of… Continue Reading

Superior Will Sell Holmes Story About Coin Collector (1995)

Superior Will Sell Holmes Story About Coin Collector (1995)

” … every corner of the room was stacked with bundles of manuscript …” – The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual (MUSG) This story was originally published in the June 27, 1995 issue of Numismatic News. “It may have been a comedy, or it may have been a tragedy,” Dr. Watson, venerable biographer of the world’s greatest consulting… Continue Reading

PNC Cover for The Golden Pince-Nez

PNC Cover for The Golden Pince-Nez

“… for when I was in Siberia I had a letter from him …” – The Adventure of The Golden Pince-Nez (GOLD) In October 1993, the United Kingdom issued five different 24 pence stamps featuring Sherlock Holmes themes. In May 1995, a set of five different Philatelic – Numismatic Combination Covers (envelope with postal cancellation and a… Continue Reading

“Has Anything Escaped Me” – Sherlockian News of September 2015

“Has Anything Escaped Me” – Sherlockian News of September 2015

“In my profession all sorts of odd knowledge comes useful…” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR) The 13th Garrideb, Peter E. Blau shared this item from the September 17, 2015 edition of the Gloucestershire Echo: Doctor Who favourite of UK children to appear on banknotes A quick trip in the TARDIS to the future… Continue Reading

Famous People Wearing Pince-Nez On Numismatic Items

Famous People Wearing Pince-Nez On Numismatic Items

“He unfolded it, and disclosed a golden pince-nez …” – The Adventure of The Golden Pince-Nez (GOLD) Your editor freely admits he never heard the term “pince-nez” until he read the Sherlock Holmes Canon. The term “spectacles” was the wording I had always heard used to describe this style of eyewear. Probably the first “person” I… Continue Reading

Radio Broadcast of The Adventure of The Living Doll (March 11, 1946)

Radio Broadcast of The Adventure of The Living Doll (March 11, 1946)

“… a space not larger than a sixpence.” – The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR) We recently reprinted the article More Mysterious Money Matters by John Hall. That article refers to the March 11, 1946 Mutual Broadcasting System’s broadcast of The Adventure of the Living Doll, part of the New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. During the story, a dying… Continue Reading