Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

TFG Issues Two Souvenir Cards During 2020 BSI Weekend

TFG Issues Two Souvenir Cards During 2020 BSI Weekend

“It is a little souvenir…” – A Case of Identity (IDEN) For the third consecutive year, The Fourth Garrideb issued a souvenir card for the Baker Street Irregulars Weekend this past January. Attendees of the annual BSI Dinner, the Dinner for “The Woman,” and the Gaslight Gala received one of our 8.5 by 11 inch souvenir… Continue Reading

Hey Buddy – Want to Buy a Watch?

Hey Buddy – Want to Buy a Watch?

“Holmes had taken out his watch …” – A Study in Scarlet (STUD) Since the 2019 Sherlock Holmes 50 pence coins was released we have reported examples being altered with decals, placed in special holders, made into keychains and bells. Now, you can buy a watch with the coin as the design. Currently being offered in… Continue Reading

Charlotte Observer Published The Three Garridebs on March 22, 1925

Charlotte Observer Published The Three Garridebs on March 22, 1925

“The story has, I believe, been told more than once in the newspapers …” – The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb (ENGR) When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had his stories published that would make up the Case Book of Sherlock Holmes, the stories were first printed in the United States in Colliers Weekly and in the Strand Magazine for the United Kingdom.… Continue Reading

The 17 Steps: The Priory School

The 17 Steps: The Priory School

Seventeen thoughts for further ponderance of the case at hand – The Priory School (PRIO) DIRT FROM ALL THROUGH ENGLAND Of Huxtable we are told, “Collar and shirt bore the grime of a long journey, and the hair bristled unkempt from the well-shaped head.” Thorneycroft Huxtable had rushed to Baker Street from the north of… Continue Reading

TFG Members in the News – February 2020

TFG Members in the News – February 2020

“Look at the headlines … “ – The Adventure of the Stockbroker’s Clerk (STOC) Since the beginning of the year, several Garridebs have been in the news. Noted pastiche author, Dan Andriacco, has recently published interviews with several Sherlockians on his Baker Street Blog. Recent Garridebs interviewed by Dan, include: Burt Wolder,  Mike McSwiggin, Greg… Continue Reading

TFG Hosts Successful Dinner in Atlanta

TFG Hosts Successful Dinner in Atlanta

“I was feeling drowsy and stupid, partly from my dinner…” – The Adventure of the Naval Treaty (NAVA) Attendees at the Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes Dinner in Atlanta Front Row (l to r) Kathy Rosina, Heather Holloway, Crystal Noll, and Greg Ruby Back Row: Jeffrey Rosina, William Bierly and Steve Zitowski, The American Numismatic… Continue Reading

Data! Data! Data! – Wisteria Lodge

Data! Data! Data! – Wisteria Lodge

“‘Data! Data! Data!‘ he cried impatiently. ‘I can’t make bricks without clay.’” – The Adventures of The Copper Beeches (COPP) This column is composed of material (Data!) developed for a short course called Appreciating Sherlock Holmes that I taught twice a year in the Community Education Life Enrichment Program for a local community college.  It is composed of… Continue Reading