A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

TFG Issues Two Souvenir Cards During 2020 BSI Weekend
“It is a little souvenir…”
– A Case of Identity (IDEN)
For the third consecutive year, The Fourth Garrideb issued a souvenir card for the Baker Street Irregulars Weekend this past January.
Attendees of the annual BSI Dinner, the Dinner for “The Woman,” and the Gaslight Gala received one of our 8.5 by 11 inch souvenir cards that were printed on cream card stock.
This card features two prepaid debit cards with Sherlock Hemlock, the Sesame Street puppet detective.Sesame Street is currently celebrating its 50th anniversary and later this year will mark Hemlock’s 50th anniversary as well.
Earlier, on the Friday morning of BSI Weekend, the BSI Class of 2019 gathered for breakfast hosted by fellow Garrideb, Ira Brad Matetsky. Ira, Monica B. Schmidt, Michael McSwigin and your editor were all part of the BSI Class of 2019. In a blatant abuse of his powers, your editor had the above design souvenir card produced and distributed to the class members. These cards were framed and also were acompaniedby a coin relative to the story of the Canon that their invesiture was taken from.
Any mention of Sherlock Hemlock is always a good excuse to share one of his appearances. Here is the Adventure of Ernie’s Half-Eaten Sandwich.
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