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Category Archives: Sherlock Holmes

HolmeWork Assignment: US Bicentennial PNC’s with Holmes Rubber Stamp

HolmeWork Assignment: US Bicentennial PNC’s with Holmes Rubber Stamp

“That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why?” – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) We recently received photographs of ten different mini – philatelic numismatic covers from the 1976 Bicentennial of the United States that feature a small rubber stamped image of a right-facing profile of Sherlock Holmes.          … Continue Reading

Emphemera of Shagin’s Medals of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle

Emphemera of Shagin’s Medals of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle

“Here is an advertisement which will interest you …” – The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb (ENGR) Edward C. Rochette, the 5th Garrideb, and his wife Maryann started a small business selling Holmesian gifts in 1990. The business was called Sherlock, Stock & Barrel Company. Pictured above was their first advertising flyer that was sent to folks… Continue Reading

Shagin Recognized for Medallic Achievements (1990)

Shagin Recognized for Medallic Achievements (1990)

“If I were a sculptor …” – The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR) The American Numismatic Association bestowed its Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture this year (1990) on Alex Shagin of Los Angeles, California. He was presented with an engraved, 14kt-gold medal donated by the Franklin Mint of Franklin Center, Pennsylvania. Born… Continue Reading

Numismatist Profile – Alex Shagin (2011)

Numismatist Profile – Alex Shagin (2011)

“Without art, a coin collection is just another form of bookkeeping.”  – Alex Shagin Alex Shagin’s life has always been about artistic freedom and enduring coins. It’s been a long, but rewarding challenge for this defender of classical medal design. Born in Russia near Leningrad, on January 21, 1947, Alexander George Shagin is the only… Continue Reading

Alex Shagin’s 1990 Portrait Medal of Sherlock Holmes

Alex Shagin’s 1990 Portrait Medal of Sherlock Holmes

“… it was a perfect facsimile.” – The Adventure of The Empty House (EMPT)            From the George S. Cuhaj (the 14th Garrideb, aka Cardinal Tosca) Collection Alex Shagin, a former head engraver with the Leningrad Mint, was commissioned in 1990 to sculpt a medal featuring Sherlock Holmes. Cast in both silver and… Continue Reading

A NYPD Challenge Coin with Snoopy as Sherlock Hound

A NYPD Challenge Coin with Snoopy as Sherlock Hound

“Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)     A new Sherlockian themed challenge coin has recently appeared for sale on some major online auction websites, this time featuring Snoopy dressed as Sherlock Holmes. This challenge coin, as well as several others recently appearing, feature… Continue Reading

Altamont’s Agents of Albany’s Lapel Pin

Altamont’s Agents of Albany’s Lapel Pin

“I grudge Altamont nothing.” – His Last Bow (LAST)       On October 23, 1978, the group Altamont’s Agents was formed in Albany, New York, meeting at a pub that was named Holmes and Watson, Ltd. This group would go on to be recognized as a scion of the Baker Street Irregulars. In 1989,… Continue Reading

The 1935 Sherlock Bones Hobo Nickel

The 1935 Sherlock Bones Hobo Nickel

“Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!’” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)       Back in 1992, the Original Hobo Nickel Society was formed to promote the collecting of engraved buffalo nickels that had been produced prior to 1980. Most of these “original” nickels were engraved with nails, knifes, files and perhaps some punches.… Continue Reading

The Master Bird Watcher Badge from Boss McGinty’s Bird Watchers

The Master Bird Watcher Badge from Boss McGinty’s Bird Watchers

“You are an early bird …” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) In 1982, two professors at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania — Fred Saules and Frank Vacante — organized a group of 18 Sherlockians to form a new BSI scion, Boss McGinty’s Bird Watchers. The group takes its name from the final Sherlock Holmes novel, The… Continue Reading

Doyle Featured on Fantasy 2017 Scottish Ten Pound Note

Doyle Featured on Fantasy 2017 Scottish Ten Pound Note

“… one who had been a whaler.” – The Adventure of Black Peteri (BLAC) Earlier this month, listings for a fantasy 10 pound Scottish banknote featuring Arthur Conan Doyle began appearing on some of the major online auction services. The front of the note features a left-facing portrait of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In the background, appears… Continue Reading