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Category Archives: Numismatics

Numismatic Items

The 2019 Junior Sherlockian Society Wooden Nickel

The 2019 Junior Sherlockian Society Wooden Nickel

“It is a little souvenir …” – A Case of Identity (IDEN) It wasn’t all that long ago that we wrote a post about the wooden nickels given out by the Junior Sherlockian Society at the 2018 BSI Annual Dinner. This January’s dinner featured another wooden nickel produced by the Junior Sherlockian Society. Sponsored by the Beacon Society, a scion… Continue Reading

In for a Penny, In for a Pound – British Money as Holmes Knew It

In for a Penny, In for a Pound – British Money as Holmes Knew It

“I’d like two shillin’ better” – The Sign of the Four (SIGN) Some Sherlockians are puzzled by references to money in the Sherlock Holmes adventures – “a fifty-guinea watch” in The Sign of Four, a pipe that cost “seven-and sixpence” in “The Yellow Face.” The British monetary system was undoubtedly complicated. A pound was divided into 20 shillings,… Continue Reading

Oral History interview with Marika Somogyi (1996)

Oral History interview with Marika Somogyi (1996)

“… like all great artists…” – The Adventure of Black Peter (BLAC) We have had many posts here previously about Marika Somogyi, the sculptor of the 1987 art medal of Sherlock Holmes. On August 28, 1996, Somogyi sat for this video interview with the Jewish Family and Children’s Services of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma… Continue Reading

The 2007 Cook Islands Sign of the Four Coin

The 2007 Cook Islands Sign of the Four Coin

” He handed them a shilling each…” – The Sign of the Four (SIGN)       In 2007, the Cook Islands contracted with the Perth Mint of Australia to produce a set of four 1 ounce .999 silver $2 coins.  All four coins featured color vignettes from the 1979 – 1986 Soviet television productions of The Adventures of… Continue Reading

British Royal Mint Now Selling 2019 Sets With Sherlock Holmes Coin

British Royal Mint Now Selling 2019 Sets With Sherlock Holmes Coin

“… a work which had been specially designed to please him.” – The Sign of the Four (SIGN) On January 1, 2019, the British Royal Mint released the designs of their 2019 dated coins and began selling the annual sets to collectors. As we predicted in our earlier post about the 2019 Sherlock Holmes 50… Continue Reading

British Royal Mint to Issue Holmes 50 Pence Coins in January 2019

British Royal Mint to Issue Holmes 50 Pence Coins in January 2019

“It might be his portrait.” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN) In January 2019, the British Royal Mint will be issuing a series of 50 pence coins honoring Sherlock Holmes. Late yesterday, an image of the coin’s design was leaked and shared to the World of Coins website. Below is the proclamation authorizing these coins, as… Continue Reading

Holmework Assignment: The Diogenes Club of Tokyo Medal

Holmework Assignment: The Diogenes Club of Tokyo Medal

“Well, in the Diogenes Club, for example.” – The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (GREE) On December 17, 2017, the Sherlock Holmes Collection of Daniel Posnansky was sold at auction by the firm of Profiles in History. This post will focus on the medal pictured above. The lot was described as follows: 291. [Sherlockiana.] Vintage silver pendant metal for… Continue Reading

Numismatic Tributes To Frederic Chopin

Numismatic Tributes To Frederic Chopin

“What’s that little thing of Chopin’s she plays so magnificently…” – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) Frederic Chopin, the musical prodigy, was only mentioned once in the 60 stories of the Canon and that was towards the end of A Study In Scarlet. However brief his appearance in the tale, he might be the most honored person… Continue Reading

The BSI Investors’ Newsletter of February 9, 1950

The BSI Investors’ Newsletter of February 9, 1950

“… never made but one investment in my life …” – The Adventure of the Resident Patient (RESI) Image by ProfilesInHistory, from the Daniel Posnansky Collection catalog Back in January 2016, we discussed the stock certificates of the Baker Street Irregulars, Inc. from the late 1940’s. You can read that post HERE, with illustrations of two BSI stock… Continue Reading

Porcelain Casts of Sherlockian Hobo Nickel Being Auctioned

Porcelain Casts of Sherlockian Hobo Nickel Being Auctioned

“Well, then, spend the next twenty-four hours in an intensive study of Chinese pottery.” – The Adventurous of the Illustrious Client (ILLU) In the upcoming Heritage Auctions session at next month’s Florida United Numismatists convention, there is the following lot being offered for bid: LOT #4897   Group Lot of 8 Modern Hobos, Porcelain Castings…. (Total: 8… Continue Reading