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Category Archives: Numismatics

Numismatic Items

Thomas Humphrey Paget Tells Own Story Of Designing Coins For Kings (9/28/1966)

Thomas Humphrey Paget Tells Own Story Of Designing Coins For Kings (9/28/1966)

Paget Used Initials H.P. As Signature On His Works Little did Thomas H. Paget, Burwash Common, Sussex, England, realize that six years after he sketched King Faisal II of Iraq in the lad’s tiny school bedroom at Harrow, the King would be the victim of an assasin’s gun. Paget, designer of coins and medals of… Continue Reading

The 2018 140 Varieties of Tobacco Ash Dinner Medal

The 2018 140 Varieties of Tobacco Ash Dinner Medal

” I have, as you know, devoted some attention to this, and written a little monograph on the ashes of 140 different varieties of pipe, cigar, and cigarette tobacco.” – The Boscombe Valley Mystery (BOSC) The attendees of the 2018 140 Varieties of Tobacco Ash Dinner Violin players. Bicycling enthusiasts. Coin collectors. There are numerous Sherlockian groups out… Continue Reading

NYPD Challenge Coin Features a Sherlockian Mickey Mouse

NYPD Challenge Coin Features a Sherlockian Mickey Mouse

“… a gentle little white mouse …” – The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier (BLAN) We have another Sherlockian themed challenge coin, featuring Mickey Mouse, from the New York Police Department Detectives. We believed these were just manufactured in the past year, as they started to appear in some online auction sites in large numbers, beginning… Continue Reading

Bob Fritsch Issued His Second Sherlockian Wooden Nickel

Bob Fritsch Issued His Second Sherlockian Wooden Nickel

“… I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain …” – The Red-Headed League (REDH) Robert F. Fritsch, the 7th Garrideb aka The Coiner (by the zinc and copper filings in the seam of his cuff), issued a Sherlockian wooden nickel during last summer’s World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia. This is Bob’s second Sherlockian wooden… Continue Reading

British Royal Mint Graphic for the Sherlock Holmes Coin

British Royal Mint Graphic for the Sherlock Holmes Coin

” It is art for Art’s sake, Watson.” – The Adventure of the Red Circle (REDC) Kudos to the British Royal Mint for some of the graphics they released to promote the sale of the 2019 Annual Coin Sets. Here is the one they designed to promote the new 50 pence coin that features Sherlock Holmes. Thanks to… Continue Reading

A Sherlockian Challenge Coin from Afghanistan

A Sherlockian Challenge Coin from Afghanistan

“… You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.” – A Study in Scarlet (STUD)     We are pleased to report that we now have a FOURTH challenge coin issued by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory. You can read about the other three challenge coins HERE. The United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, or USACIL,… Continue Reading

A Third U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory Challenge Coin

A Third U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory Challenge Coin

“… downstairs in my laboratory …” – The Adventure of the Resident Patient (RESI) Back in March of 2017, we reported on a second variety of a challenge coin for the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory. We now have a THIRD variety to report. It is virtually identical to the one we reported on in March… Continue Reading