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Tag Archives: Coinage

A Select Glossary of Victorian Underworld Slang

A Select Glossary of Victorian Underworld Slang

“She was accustomed to use slang of the kind.” – The Adventure of The Noble Bachelor (NOBL) At a recent meeting of the The Society of The Naval Treaty of Annapolis, there was a handout featuring Victorian underworld slang.  I have excerpted several that are relevant to our interests here. Albert – A gold watch… Continue Reading

There Are Five Sovereigns Here – Numismatic References in The Greek Interpreter

There Are Five Sovereigns Here – Numismatic References in The Greek Interpreter

“There are five sovereigns here,” said he, walking up to me, “which will, I hope, be a sufficient fee.” – The Adventure of The Greek Interpreter (GREE) The above quote is the only reference to money or a coin in The Adventure of The Greek Interpreter and is found at line 233 of the story. The… Continue Reading

2015 Coins & Medals Commemorating The Battle Of Waterloo

2015 Coins & Medals Commemorating The Battle Of Waterloo

“We have not yet met our Waterloo, Watson…” – The Adventure Of The Abbey Grange (ABBE) This week marks the bicentennial of the pivotal Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon’s troops were defeated by combined troops from Great Britain and Prussia. In the stories of the Canon, there are numerous references to Waterloo Bridge and Waterloo… Continue Reading

The Case Of The Eiffel Tower – May 23, 1955

The Case Of The Eiffel Tower – May 23, 1955

“Seen the Paris news?” – The Adventure of The Second Stain (SECO) In 1954, Ronald Howard and H. Marion Crawford would star as Holmes and Watson in 39 episodes of a syndicated Sherlock Holmes television series. The 30 minute episodes were produced by Sheldon Reynolds, who would later do another Holmes series, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson,… Continue Reading

Nicolaus Copernicus Commemorated on Coins, Medals and Banknotes

Nicolaus Copernicus Commemorated on Coins, Medals and Banknotes

“… he was ignorant of the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the solar system.” – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) Watson was amazed that Holmes did not know or care that the earth revolved around the sun.  Holmes went on to comment that  ‘you say that we go round the sun. If we went… Continue Reading

May HolmeWork Assignment: Replica Shillings Sold To Sherlockians

May HolmeWork Assignment: Replica Shillings Sold To Sherlockians

“… Here are your wages.’ He handed each of them a shilling.” – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) The above advertisement comes from the June 1987 issue of The Baker Street Journal (page 100, to be exact). A New York based company, I/R Miniatures, was selling replicas of the three different designs of the shillings issued during… Continue Reading

Numismatic Remembrances of Charles Darwin

Numismatic Remembrances of Charles Darwin

“Do you remember what Darwin says about music?” – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) Charles Darwin, the English naturalist and geologist, was referenced twice in A Study In Scarlet. The author of the 1859 book On the Origin of Species, Darwin established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors. For those interested in more… Continue Reading

Faces of Holmes: Orson Welles

Faces of Holmes: Orson Welles

“… this man here – is an actor.” – The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place (SHOS) Your author shares a birthday with two actors who have portrayed Sherlock Holmes – Orson Welles and Stewart Granger. Granger played Holmes in The Hound of The Baskervilles in an ABC Movie of the Week in 1972, which we will discuss… Continue Reading