Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

The 17 Steps: A Case of Identity

The 17 Steps: A Case of Identity

Seventeen thoughts for further ponderance of the case at hand – A Case of Identity (IDEN) FRIENDS WITH THINGS IN COMMON In this tale Watson refers to Holmes’s “position of unofficial adviser and helper to everybody who is absolutely puzzled, throughout three continents.” Does this coincide with Watson’s 3 continents? Is this also, perhaps, evidence that… Continue Reading

Two Medals of Sarasate

Two Medals of Sarasate

“Sarasate plays at the St. James’s Hall this afternoon …” – The Red Headed League (REDH) One of our very first posts on this website was about the Spanish 1994 10 Peseta coin honoring Pablo Sarasate, the noted violinst mentioned in The Red-Headed League. We have now come across two other items featuring Sarasate. The first is… Continue Reading

The Medals of the Hansoms of John Clayton

The Medals of the Hansoms of John Clayton

“We hired a hansom …” – The Adventure of the Naval Treaty (NAVA) Recently, we posted a HolmeWork Assignment asking about the 1997 DISI Award Medals, and Brad Keefauver, the 41st Garrideb, was quick to respond that DISI was the Downstate Illinois Sherlock Invitational that took place for two years, starting in 1996. Brad then posted on… Continue Reading

NCLT Coins Featuring Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man

NCLT Coins Featuring Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man

“… iron-faced men …”  – A Study in Scarlet (STUD) I never realized that South Pacific Islanders were so fanatical about the Marvel Comic Universe and the movies that have been produced about those characters. Seriously, we have been reminded that we did posts featuring the non-circulating legal tender (NCLT) coins featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman,… Continue Reading

The 2000 Three Garridebs Project

The 2000 Three Garridebs Project

“… such elaborate preparations …” – The Red-Headed League (REDH) Among my other Sherlockian skills is one I call “bad at running a scion society.” Maybe it was the timing or just my own self-absorbtion/maybe-ADD, but along the way, between the Hansoms of John Clayton losing it’s founding show-runner and the final meeting, we did… Continue Reading

Lapel Pins from Elementary’s Sherlock

Lapel Pins from Elementary’s Sherlock

“… spoke of the meticulous care in dress for which he was famous.” – The Adventure of the Illustrious Client (ILLU) Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller – Elementary Season 2 promo picture The internet is a vast and wondrous place. Having a little bit of free time lately, your editior has found online collections… Continue Reading

Faces of Holmes: Charlie McCarthy, Detective

Faces of Holmes: Charlie McCarthy, Detective

“… all were equally puppets in his hands.” – The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist (SOLI) Comedian and actor Edgar Berggren was born in Chicago in 1903. Begining at the age of 11, Edgar began to self-learn ventriliquism and during his late teenage years would be given daily lessons by the famed ventriloquist Harry Lester for… Continue Reading