A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

A Second (or Third) Trade Token Featuring Actor Clive Brook
“When an actor …”
– The Man with the Twisted Lip (TWIS)
Back in October 2018, we first wrote about the Clive Brook token, that was one of a series issued by Popsicle. By the way, you should go back and reread that article as we have updated it with a second token that has a different reverse die.
This is now a third trade token featuring Clive Brook. This brass token was intended to be kept as a good luck piece that advertised the 1933 film Cavalcade. Swastikas were considered as a good luck emblem and were featured on many tokens prior to the mid 1930s, when the logo became hijacked by the Nazi Germany regime.
Cavalcade was the first film for Fox Film Corporation to win a Best Picture Oscar. It also won Oscars for Best Art Direction and Best Director.
If interested in a timeline, Brooks’s Sherlock Holmes was followed by Cavalcade and then Midnight Club (for which the second token, in the other post, was issued for).
So that’s three tokens featuring Clive Brooks, while none were ever issued fror Basil Rathbone. At least Rathbone would be honored later with items that feature his likeness.
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