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Category Archives: Numismatics

Numismatic Items

Royal Mint To Sell Individual 2019 Sherlock Holmes Coins

Royal Mint To Sell Individual 2019 Sherlock Holmes Coins

“… Under a series of flaming headlines…” – The Adventure of the Retired Colourman (RETI) It appears that in the next several day, the British Royal Mint will be making an announcement that individual specimens of the 2019 Sherlock Holmes 50 pence coins will be available for purchase. The British Royal Mint has prominently featured on… Continue Reading

Trifles Podcast Disscusses Old Money In Episode 121

Trifles Podcast Disscusses Old Money In Episode 121

“old coins, apparently” – The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual (MUSG) This week, the American Numismatic Association sponsors National Coin Week to promote coin collecting to the general public. Well, our friends Scott Monty and Burt Wolder (who is the 47th Garrideb known as Dr. Thorneycroft Huxtable) got into the spirit of NCW and made… Continue Reading

Canonical Currency in Present-Day Terms (2018)

Canonical Currency in Present-Day Terms (2018)

“An intricate and elaborate calculation.” – The Adventure of the Dancing Men (DANC) Image courtesy of Jean Upton Now that the holiday season is behind us and the inevitable bills begin to roll in, it’s an appropriate time to think of money. For example, that Christmas goose in “The Blue Carbuncle” cost 7/6 (that’s seven… Continue Reading

A Sherlockian Visits the Currency Exchange (1986)

A Sherlockian Visits the Currency Exchange (1986)

“Sold his soul to the devil in exchange for money” – The Adeventure of Wisteria Lodge (WIST) Seven hundred and fifty pounds, Dr. Grimesby Roylott had as the annual income of his late wife’s estate. The reader of The Speckled Band is supposed to understand that £750 is a lot of money, but that £250, which… Continue Reading

Franklin Mint Ingots Feature the Mary Celeste

Franklin Mint Ingots Feature the Mary Celeste

“… having in tow the derelict brigantine Marie Celeste “ – J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement  Between 1973 and 1976, the Franklin Mint issued a 50 ingot set featuring the Greatest Sailing Ships of History. There were actually three different sets available for purchase – a large sterling silver set, and two sets of mini-ingots in… Continue Reading

2013 Niue Ghost Ships Dollar Coin Series Honors the Mary Celeste

2013 Niue Ghost Ships Dollar Coin Series Honors the Mary Celeste

“… having in tow the derelict brigantine Marie Celeste “ – J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement  In 2013, the south Pacific island nation of Niue contracted with NumisCollect to issue a series of silver one dollar coins honoring “ghost ships.” The first coin in the series was the Mary Celeste.  From NumisCollect’s press release: The Mary Celeste (or… Continue Reading

The 1994 Gibraltar Mary Celeste One Crown Coin

The 1994 Gibraltar Mary Celeste One Crown Coin

“… having in tow the derelict brigantine Marie Celeste “ – J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement  Gibraltar released 8 different designs for its 1994 series of coins commemorating the 100th anniversary of the return of Sherlock Holmes. In this post, we will discuss the three coins that feature a story that doesn’t involve Sherlock Holmes –… Continue Reading

Faces of Holmes: Charlton Heston

Faces of Holmes: Charlton Heston

“… possible actors in this drama…” – The Adventure of the Second Stain (SECO) Charlton Heston as Holmes in The Crucifer of Blood Charlton Heston was a prolific actor in Hollywood. Upon his death in 2008, noted film critic Roger Ebert commented, “Heston made at least three movies that almost everybody eventually sees: Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments and Planet of… Continue Reading

Queen Elizabeth Gives Out Sherlock Coin As Part of Maundy Thursday

Queen Elizabeth Gives Out Sherlock Coin As Part of Maundy Thursday

“… your Grace’s purse.” – The Adventure of the Priory School (PRIO) We are sharing the pertinent content of today’s news coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s participation in the Maundy Thursday ceremony. For full coverage of the story, please read Alice Scarsi’s news article in The Daily Express.  The Royal Family’s Twitter account wrote: “The Queen commemorates… Continue Reading

The Unauthorized [and Illicit] Dr. Watson Battle of Maiwand Bar

The Unauthorized [and Illicit] Dr. Watson Battle of Maiwand Bar

“The campaign brought honours and promotion to many, but for me it had nothing but misfortune and disaster.” – A Study in Scarlet (STUD) Facsimile of Dr. John Watson’s 2nd Afghan War Medal With the [at last and about time] Long Overdue Maiwand Bar* For the believer in versimilitude actual 2nd Afghan War Medals may… Continue Reading