A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

“… many hundreds of them …”
– The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)
Six years ago, when we started this group, we were aware of approximately 75 coins and other numismatic items with links to Sherlock Holmes or other canonical connections. At our organizational meeting in Chicago on August 9, 2014, we talked about cataloging these items and some commented that 200 items see far-fetched.
With the addition of the five new medals that that the Windsor Mint has just produced, we have now a database of 400 items that have some connection to the Master, Arthur Conan Doyle or the 60 stories of the Canon.
I’m speechless that we reached this number. While we at TFG have issued a number of items since our founding, we would never had presumed that the British Royal Mint, Chad and Ghana would have issued coins with Sherlockian themes or the large number of challenge coins that feature Holmes.
Work has begun collating these 400 items into a catalog format, but would like some input from you. How should we group these items?
Chronolgical,in order of issue?
Group by type of item – all coins, then medals, woods, etc.?
Group by issuer – using our scion as an example, we have issued challenge coins, wooden money and souvenir cards.
Feel free to comment below.