Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

From Watson’s Tin Box – The Priory School

From Watson’s Tin Box – The Priory School

“Somewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch-box with my name, John H. Watson, MD, Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid.” – The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR)   Watson’s Tin Box, a BSI scion that meets in Columbia, Maryland, shares a… Continue Reading

A Jerry Lewis Enjoyment Certificate with Theatre Imprint

A Jerry Lewis Enjoyment Certificate with Theatre Imprint

“Why not give ourselves up to the unrestrained enjoyment of the present?” – The Adventure of fhe Mazarin Stone (MAZA) Several years ago, we first reported on the Jerrry Lewis Enjoyment Certificates that promoted his 1962 film, It’s Only Money.  The $1,000 note features Lewis donning a deerstalker cap, and all of the notes features an… Continue Reading

Wooden Nickels from Altamont’s Associates

Wooden Nickels from Altamont’s Associates

“But thanks to my cheque-book and the good Altamont all will be well to-night.” – His Last Bow (LAST) In the last several weeks, we have seen groups of wooden nickels, including 2 with Sherloockian themes, being offerred repeatedly on a major online auction service. We are making the assumption that both woods were issued… Continue Reading

The Year in Sherlockian Numismatica – 2018

The Year in Sherlockian Numismatica – 2018

“… we have very properly laid in the new almanack …” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) With the release of the Baker Street Almanac 2019 earlier this month, we thought that now would be an appropriate time to reprint this adapation of our article that appeared in the 2018 Alamanac. When The Fourth Garrideb was… Continue Reading

Data! Data! Data! – The Priory School

Data! Data! Data! – The Priory School

“‘Data! Data! Data!‘ he cried impatiently. ‘I can’t make bricks without clay.’” – The Adventures of The Copper Beeches (COPP) Illustration by Sidney Paget in The Strand Magazine (February,1904) This column is composed of material (Data!) developed for a short course called Appreciating Sherlock Holmes that I taught twice a year in the Community Education Life… Continue Reading

Rima Gedvile’s Mini-Sherlock Holmes Hobo Nickel

Rima Gedvile’s Mini-Sherlock Holmes Hobo Nickel

” It was not a photograph, but an ivory miniature, and the artist had brought out the full effect …” – The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (NOBL) Back in 1992, the Original Hobo Nickel Society was formed to promote the collecting of engraved buffalo nickels that had been produced prior to 1980. Most of these “original” nickels were… Continue Reading

2020 Version of Kingdom of Great Britain Fantasy Banknotes Now Available

2020 Version of Kingdom of Great Britain Fantasy Banknotes Now Available

“No living man could tell a Prescott from a Bank of England …” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR)     The sixfth different “edition” of the fantasy Kingdom of Great Britain 10 pound banknotes has recently been issued. You can read about the 2015 version HERE, the 2016-2018 editions HERE.and last year’s 2019 version… Continue Reading

2020 Wooden Nickels Issued by Junior Sherlockian Society

2020 Wooden Nickels Issued by Junior Sherlockian Society

“… .thickly wooded round …” – The Boscombe Valley Mystery (BOSC) This January’s BSI dinner featured another wooden nickel produced by the Junior Sherlockian Society. Sponsored by the Beacon Society, a scion of the Baker Street Irregulars, they are searching for children and youth eager to develop an understanding and appreciation of the great detective… Sherlock Holmes. The wooden nickel… Continue Reading