A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

TFG Issued 3 Souvenir Cards in 2018
“It is a little souvenir …”
– A Scandal in Bohemia (SCAN)
During the course of this year, The Fourth Garrideb has issued three souvenir cards to commemorate gatherings of our group.
Souvenir Card for the 2018 BSI Dinner and Gaslight Gala
Our first card was issued on January 12 for the annual dinner of the Baker Street Irregulars and the Gaslight Gala (don’t pay any attention to the fact that the card says January 13, which was the date of 2017 event). 300 cards were produced, with 180 for the BSI Dinner, 100 for the Gaslight Gala and 20 for the dinner of The Women. The card features illustrations by the three different illustrators for when The Adventure of the Three Garridebs appeared in The Strand, Collier’s and various syndicated newspapers.
Souvenir Card for the Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes Dinner at the ANA National Money Show in Irving, Texas this March
Nine folks gathered for dinner on March 9 at the Ranch at Las Colinas in Irving, Texas during the American Numismatic Association’s National Money Show. The souvenir card features the 1937 Texas Centennial Half Dollar. Fifteen cards were produced.
Souvenir Card for the Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes Dinner at the ANA World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia this August
Our third card was issued on August 15 and was distributed to the seven attendees of the Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes dinner at Maggiano’s in Philadelphia. Fifteen cards were produced and feature A. Carson Simpson, one of the early members of the Sons of the Copper Beeches in Philadelphia and author of 3 pamphlets on Sherlockian numismatica.
[…] members and attendees issue a souvenir of some sort to give to fellow attendees at that dinner. The Fourth Garrideb issued a souvenir card that was distributed at the 2018 BSI Dinner, for […]