Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

Tag Archives: Coinage

Three ACD Collection Coins Auctioned in January 2014

Three ACD Collection Coins Auctioned in January 2014

“Here was a case of ancient coins.” – The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR) One of our group’s earliest goals was to attempt to track down coins from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s personal coin collection. We were able to locate a price list that Manfra, Tordella & Brookes produced in 1968 of Doyle’s ancient… Continue Reading

Altamont’s Agents of Albany’s Lapel Pin

Altamont’s Agents of Albany’s Lapel Pin

“I grudge Altamont nothing.” – His Last Bow (LAST)       On October 23, 1978, the group Altamont’s Agents was formed in Albany, New York, meeting at a pub that was named Holmes and Watson, Ltd. This group would go on to be recognized as a scion of the Baker Street Irregulars. In 1989,… Continue Reading

Welcome IHOSE Episode #128 Listeners

Welcome IHOSE Episode #128 Listeners

“… difficulties caused by his own aversion to publicity.” – The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot (DEVI) We would like to take this opportunity to welcome those of you may have heard about us on Episode 128 of the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast. Your friendly editor was interviewed by Scott Monty and Burt Wolder… Continue Reading

ICYMI – The Red-Headed League

ICYMI – The Red-Headed League

“I would not have missed it for worlds.” – The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (NOBL) Our story for this month is The Red-Headed League and we have already published our monthly features on this story – From Watson’s Tin Box, highlighting items from their collection of evidence boxes; Brad Keefauver’s The 17 Steps; and Frank Mentzel’s Data! Data!… Continue Reading

Inspector Thorne: The Nickel and Dimes Murder Case (September 6, 1951)

Inspector Thorne: The Nickel and Dimes Murder Case (September 6, 1951)

“What is all this mystery?” – The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier (BLAN) From time to time, we will feature a post here regarding other fictional detectives, most recently Eugène Valmont. In the summer of 1951, the National Broadcasting Company broadcast 11 episodes of Inspector Thorne. The eighth episode, which aired September 6, was The Nickel and Dimes Murder… Continue Reading

A Second Gold Sovereign Award Presented by the BSI

A Second Gold Sovereign Award Presented by the BSI

“… the highest of honours …” – A Study in Scarleti (STUD) Peter E. Blau, right, presents the Gold Sovereign Award to Michael F. Whelan at the 2017 BSI Dinner – Photo by Will Walsh Minutes before the conclusion of this year’s Bakers Street Irregulars annual dinner on January 6, 2017, Peter E. Blau, the 13th… Continue Reading

The Numismatic Sigmund Freud

The Numismatic Sigmund Freud

“… this purely mental analysis …” – The Adventure of the Three Gables (3GAB) Alan Arkin, as Sigmund Freud, attempting to hypnotize Nicol Williamson’s Sherlock Holmes character in The Seven-Per-Cent Solution Nicholas Meyer’s 1974 novel, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, and the subsequent film in 1976 helped spark a Sherlock Holmes “renaissance” in the mid 1970s. For your editor, if flipping through television… Continue Reading