Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

The Strange Case of the Delayed 1939 Radio Broadcast of The Three Garridebs

The Strange Case of the Delayed 1939 Radio Broadcast of The Three Garridebs

“Some delay was inevitable.” – The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax (LADY)  Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce began appearing as Holmes and Watson on The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on NBC Radio’s Blue Network in October, 1939. The 13th episode of the series was The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, which was broadcast on Christmas Day, Monday,… Continue Reading

Diogenes Club of Washington, DC Issues Challenge Coin

Diogenes Club of Washington, DC Issues Challenge Coin

“It is for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started …” – The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (GREE) The Diogenes Club of Washington, DC is one of the newer scions of the Baker Street Irregulars, having been founded just a few months after our own group was formed in 2014. Organized by… Continue Reading

Junior Sherlockian Society Issued Wooden Nickel at 2018 BSI Dinner

Junior Sherlockian Society Issued Wooden Nickel at 2018 BSI Dinner

“It is a little souvenir …” – A Case of Identity (IDEN) We’ve had posts before where we’ve discussed souvenirs being issued for the annual Baker Street Irregulars dinners that are held every January in New York, such as Peter E. Blau’s annual publication or our own group’s souvenir card that was produced this January. This January’s… Continue Reading

The View Halloa: The Three Garridebs

The View Halloa: The Three Garridebs

“I have my old favourite with me.” – The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR) If there is such a thing as a guilty pleasure in the Canon, this story is mine. I know it isn’t in the top tier of Watson’s accounts for overall quality, but it’s a favorite with me, and I can… Continue Reading

Many Sherlockian Actors in A Christmas Carol (1984)

Many Sherlockian Actors in A Christmas Carol (1984)

“I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season.” – The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (BLUE) With the holiday season upon us, we will take this opportunity to share this December 17, 1984 telecast of A Christmas Carol featuring George C.… Continue Reading

A Fascinating New Medal for Collectors (12/27/1987)

A Fascinating New Medal for Collectors (12/27/1987)

“… I should have had a medal …” – The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR) Medal design captures the Holmes mystique. SHERLOCK Holmes, one of the world’s most famous fictional characters, is the subject of an imaginative new medal marking the centennial of his literary birth. The medal was designed by the noted medallic artist, Marika… Continue Reading

The 1911 Film of “Trailing the Counterfeiter”

The 1911 Film of “Trailing the Counterfeiter”

“… we might appear to be two theatre-goers …” – The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton (CHAS) In addition to collecting Sherlockian numismatica, your editor actively collects film and video that portrays Holmes. The 78th Garrideb, Phillip G. Bergem, has for many years maintained a database of Sherlock Holmes related films and television shows. That checklist can be… Continue Reading

Paris Mint Displays Leygue Collection (1/31/1979)

Paris Mint Displays Leygue Collection (1/31/1979)

“… during this exposition …” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) Sculpture and medals of French artist Louis Legue went on display at the Paris Mint in November, 1978, to remain through February, 1979, according to Pierre DeHaye, Director of the Mint. The exposition is under the patronage of the Minister of Economics in France. Leygue was born… Continue Reading

It’s A Pretty Little Thing – Peter E. Blau’s Souvenir for the 2001 BSI Dinner

It’s A Pretty Little Thing – Peter E. Blau’s Souvenir for the 2001 BSI Dinner

“It’s a pretty little thing …” – The Adventure of The Mazarin Stone (MAZA) Outer Cover of Peter E. Blau’s 2001 Seasonal Souvenir Inside Contents of Peter E. Blau’s 2001 Seasonal Souvenir A long-standing tradition at the annual January dinners of the Baker Street Irregulars is that many members and attendees issue a souvenir of some… Continue Reading

The 1978 Arthur Conan Doyle Medal by the Monnaie de Paris

The 1978 Arthur Conan Doyle Medal by the Monnaie de Paris

“… enthusiastic admiration of the French …” – The Adventure of The Naval Treaty (NAVA) In the Spring 1979 issue of The Sherlock Holmes Journal (Volume 4, Number 1, Whole Number 52), Editor Nicholas Utechin has this nugget in his Editorial Notes feature: New Objects Pride of place-just-goes to the newly available Sir Arthur Conan Doyle medal produced… Continue Reading