Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

Category Archives: TFG

But Wait… There’s More!

But Wait… There’s More!

“There is more in this than meets the eye.” – The Adventure of The Second Stain (SECO) Recently, we have introduced our Meet The Garridebs feature where we highlight you, our members. Last week, we published Brad Keefauver’s 17 Steps, which will focus on our primary story each month. We are quite pleased to announce 3 more… Continue Reading

Poll: What Order Should We Discuss The Stories?

Poll: What Order Should We Discuss The Stories?

“We continued our systematic survey …” – The Adventure of The Priory School (PRIO) We have started our first month of focusing on one of the 60 stories from The Canon.  During April, we are focusing on the story that gives our group our name – The Three Garridebs.  We will tackle A Study In Scarlet for… Continue Reading

Filed Under: TFG
Meet the Garridebs: Harrison “Terry” Hunt

Meet the Garridebs: Harrison “Terry” Hunt

Continuing with our series of posts, where we meet our fellow members, we now feature the 31st Garrideb – Harrison “Terry” Hunt. Terry chose “The Long Island Cave Mystery” as his investiture moniker.  Terry explains, “I am a native of Long Island, with family roots going back to the 1600’s.  I lived there until a… Continue Reading

Filed Under: TFG
Meet The Garridebs – Greg Zentz

Meet The Garridebs – Greg Zentz

We are proud to introduce what we hope to be a regular feature – Meet the Garridebs.  Being primarily a “virtual” society and with our membership spread over great distances, the opportunity to meet one another is fairly limited.  Hopefully, this feature will allow us to learn more about each other.  Reviewing our membership rolls,… Continue Reading

TFG Is On Facebook

TFG Is On Facebook

The Fourth Garrideb has created a page on Facebook to help get the word out about us to other Sherlockians and coin collectors. Yours truly has a “love – hate” relationship with Facebook.  Some of you are not on Facebook and that’s fine. Others of you are quite active on Facebook, and if you could… Continue Reading

More Thank Yous!

More Thank Yous!

It’s time for us to again thank a few people for their assistance in getting the word out about us. Once again, we need to thank Wayne Homren, editor of The E-Sylum for the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, for his kind words and reprinting parts of our post on the Scandalous Bohemian medals. Check out the issue here.… Continue Reading

Thank You Very Much!

Thank You Very Much!

I have been negligent to date in offering thanks to those that have helped us launch The Fourth Garrideb, and I would like to correct that oversight at this time. Wayne Homren, editor of The E-Sylum for the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, was kind enough to publish my initial announcement of seeing if there was any interest… Continue Reading

TFG is on Twitter

TFG is on Twitter

“He was in a pitiable state of reaction, with every nerve in a twitter.“ – The Man With The Twisted Lip (TWIS) For those of you who are active in the area of social media, you can follow The Fourth Garrideb on Twitter – our “handle” is @FourthGarrideb. There are several other Sherlockian and numismatic… Continue Reading

How The Fourth Garrideb Came To Be

How The Fourth Garrideb Came To Be

“…it now contains the most unsociable and unclubable men in town.” – The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (GREE) Welcome to The Fourth Garrideb, a scion where we celebrate Canonical and Conanical numismatics.  There are many specialized Sherlockian scions devoted to very narrow fields – The Elusive Bicyclists, Moriarty’s Mathematicians, and The Practical, But Limited, Geologists, just… Continue Reading