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Tag Archives: Miscellaneous

“Has Anything Escaped Me” – Sherlockian News

“Has Anything Escaped Me” – Sherlockian News

“In my profession all sorts of odd knowledge comes useful…” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR) Bob Fritsch, the 7th Garrideb, will be giving a presentation – The Tools of Numismatics: Presenting Your Collections in the Money Talks Theater during the American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money on Tuesday, August 11 at 2P.… Continue Reading

A Select Glossary of Victorian Underworld Slang

A Select Glossary of Victorian Underworld Slang

“She was accustomed to use slang of the kind.” – The Adventure of The Noble Bachelor (NOBL) At a recent meeting of the The Society of The Naval Treaty of Annapolis, there was a handout featuring Victorian underworld slang.  I have excerpted several that are relevant to our interests here. Albert – A gold watch… Continue Reading

SherlockCoin SHC Crypto-Currency

SherlockCoin SHC Crypto-Currency

In early 2014, a Sherlock Holmes themed digital currency similar to bitcoin available from companies similar to bitcoin revolution, with a possible 221 coins to be mined. Crytpo-Currency is an alternative monetary exchange, in a digital format and operates using cryptography to secure the transactions. Two features that are typical in crypto-currency is decentralized control… Continue Reading

Edmonton’s Sherlock Holmes Pub has a BitCoin ATM

Edmonton’s Sherlock Holmes Pub has a BitCoin ATM

For those Sherlockians and numismatists near Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, check out the Sherlock Holmes Pub located on the campus of the University of Alberta. That’s the one located at 8519 112th Street Northwest. According to BitCoin Newz, this restaurant installed a Bitcoin ATM (Automated Transaction Machine) at that location. In case you are new… Continue Reading

Some Observations on the Traditions of Christmas in the Holmes – Queen Victoria Era

Some Observations on the Traditions of Christmas in the Holmes – Queen Victoria Era

“I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season.” – The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (BLUE) In Holmes and Watson’s day, the celebration of Christmas was very different from what we expect in this modern age. It is… Continue Reading

A Victorian Recipe for Christmas “Pud”

A Victorian Recipe for Christmas “Pud”

With Christmas approaching, let us examine a recipe for traditional Christmas Pudding. I say “traditional,” because this particular item has been concocted by my family for over 100 years, having been brought to the colonies by my late Grandmother (born Chapwick, Somerset, in 1883). It was her Mother’s recipe. From my earliest recollections, I can remember… Continue Reading

The Crime Blotter: An American Sherlock Holmes Recovers Stolen Coins – 1922

The Crime Blotter: An American Sherlock Holmes Recovers Stolen Coins – 1922

From the pages of the October 1922 issue of The Numismatist: An American Sherlock Holmes Recovers Stolen Coins Once a detective, always a detective. George S. Dougherty, former Deputy Police Commissioner of New York, has written a readable book of his recent pleasure trip to Europe, prepared in the form of a diary. Here is… Continue Reading

The Sherlock Holmes of the Coin Industry

The Sherlock Holmes of the Coin Industry

While scouring the internet earlier this year for items related to numismatics and Sherlock Holmes, I came across the website of John Ferm Rare Coins, a coin dealer, based in Minnesota, selling U.S. and foreign coins. The site features an article on Ferm that appeared in Canadian Coin News authored by Randy Heimple. Heimple goes on… Continue Reading