A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

2020 Version of Kingdom of Great Britain Fantasy Banknotes Now Available
“No living man could tell a Prescott from a Bank of England …”
– The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR)
The sixfth different “edition” of the fantasy Kingdom of Great Britain 10 pound banknotes has recently been issued. You can read about the 2015 version HERE, the 2016-2018 editions HERE.and last year’s 2019 version HERE.
In the upper right corner of the front of the banknote is the 2020 date to differentiate from the previous year’s limited editions.
You can find this year’s note, as well as the previous years, on a major online auction service. We refer you to our earlier posts for details about the design and designer.
Thanks to Bob Fritsch, the 7th Garrideb, for alerting us to this item.
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