A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Garridebs in the News – December 2019
“It is something new for me to see my name in the papers…”
– The Adventure of the Cardboard Box (CARD)
Once again, it’s time for another installation of Garridebs in the News and we have several items to share.

Congratulations to the Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota on the success of their recent triennial conference – Dark Places, Wicked Companions, and Strange Experiences – held this past August. Ray Riethemeier and Phil Bergem, the 87th and 78th Garridebs, were both on the event’s organizing committee. Ross Davies, the 61st Garrideb, was among the featured presenters during the weekend.

During the annual meeting of the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections held that weekend, Ira Brad Matetsky, the 49th Garrideb, was awarded their Bryce L. Crawford Award for best article published in their newsletter in the past year.
Every attendee to the conference received a copy of The Best of Friends, a collection of essays and articles from the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections newsletters. This volume had 4 editors, three who are Garridebs – Riethmeier, Bergem and Richard Sveum, the 32nd Garrideb. We need to twist the arm of Julie McKuras, the fourth editor to join our group! Scanning the 224 pages in the book, we find articles by Sveum, Bergem, and the 13th Garrideb, Peter E. Blau.
The Sherlockians of Baltimore published their 3rd annual journal, The Newspapers, in July and Garridebs can be found throughout the volume – articles by William A. Walsh (50th), Greg Ruby (6th), Mike McSwiggin (74th), Matetsky, Davies, Monica Schmidt (59th), James C. O’Leary (28th) and Charles Prepolec (75th). Copies of the nearly 200-page volume can be ordered HERE.
James O’Leary has been busy, His article on THE Cardboard Box that was originally published in The Newspapers was also posted on the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere website. In addition, he has other posts Billie Eilish – Inspired by Sherlock and Doyle and the Great Authors of English Literature that are well worth your time reading.
The 41st Garrideb, Brad Kefauver, was a presenter at the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium that was held in Portland, Oregon earlier this month. Brad has also assumed the Editor-In-Chief role for the John H. Watson Society’s journal The Watsonian, in addition to hosting The Watsonian Weekly podcasts. We appreciate the shout-out Brad gave our group in Episode 13 of the podcast.
Bob Fritsch, the 7th Garrideb, is also an avid collector of Canadian coins and has appeared on two episodes of Pocket Change Radio to discuss that aspect of his collecting. You can listen to the episodes HERE and HERE.
The Summer 2019 issue of The Baker Street Journal continued our group’s streak of having Garridebs published in the issue, this time with 3 articles. Ira Brad Matetsky authored Another Sherlockian Myth Debunked: Time to Turn the Page(t) while Ross E. Davies contributed When Watson Learned the Trick: 4 June 1902. Robert S. Katz, the 29th Garrideb, penned From Florida to Appomattox.
November 8-10 saw the Lilly Library, on the campus of Indiana University, hosted the Building an Archive:A Celebration of the Arrival of the BSI Archive conference. Co-organized by Ross Davies, the conference featured Garridebs Bob Katz, Peter E. Blau and Mike McSwiggin among the presenters.
Greg Ruby became a member of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes at that group’s fall luncheon on November 16. His investiture is “A Case of Ancient Coins.”
Have some news of your own? Drop the Editor a quick note and you’ll be included in our next update. Congratulations to all!
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