A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Garridebs in the News
“It is something new for me to see my name in the papers…”
– The Adventure of the Cardboard Box (CARD)
At the recent November 1st luncheon meeting of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, three Garridebs were invested as members of ASH. Congratulations to the 43rd Garrideb, Robert J. Stek who has the ASH investiture of The Origin of Tree Worship; the 50th Garrideb, William A. Walsh who has the ASH investiture of John Hebron; and the 59th Garrideb, Monica M. Schmidt who has the ASH investiture of The Church of St. Monica.
ASH also produces the quarterly Serpentine Muse and the Winter 2015 issue features two contributions from fellow Garridebs. Will Walsh has an interesting article, Siblings & Sibling Rivalry In The Canon. The 49th Garrideb, Ira Brad Matetsky, presents A Toast to Dr. Watson And Rugby, which your editor enjoyed reading.
The 20th Garrideb, Dr. George A. Vanderburgh, was featured in the October – November 2015 issue of The Canadian Numismatic Journal, in regards to the challenge coin he had issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poem In Flanders Fields by Lt. Colonel John McCrae. You can read the five page article HERE.
The John H Watson Society has just published the Fall 2015 edition of their journal, The Watsonian, and several Garridebs have articles within the pages. James C. O’Leary, the 28th Garrideb and the new editor of the journal, has two articles – The Chair and Twilight of a god. Harrison Hunt, the 31st Garrideb, discusses John H Watson’s Service in the Great War. Matetsky has an article here as well, this time it is Dr Watson’s Pension and His Profession. The 29th Garrideb, Dr. Bob Katz, has co-written an article Some Observations on the Segregation of Infection. The JHWS really does a fine job with their publications and a few copies are still available at their website.
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