Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

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Tag Archives: Coinage

Arthur Conan Doyle and The Chunnel

Arthur Conan Doyle and The Chunnel

“The very next train roared from the tunnel…” – The Adventure of the Bruce Partington Plans (BRUC) Wednesday, May 6th will mark the 21st anniversary of the Channel Tunnel or “Chunnel.” Why are we mentioning this on a website that celebrates Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle? Turns out that Doyle was a major proponent… Continue Reading

Gibraltar’s 1994 Three Garridebs Crowns

Gibraltar’s 1994 Three Garridebs Crowns

“Well, if you can lay your hands upon a Garrideb, there’s money in it.” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR) Gibraltar released 8 different designs for its 1994 series of coins commemorating the 100th anniversary of the return of Sherlock Holmes. In this post, we will discuss the three coins that have the… Continue Reading

Pobjoy Mint’s 1994 Catalog & Press Release

Pobjoy Mint’s 1994 Catalog & Press Release

“… I would read as easily as I do the apocrypha of the agony column.” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) When I first started collecting coins, I was very intrigued when I could find ephemera (advertising, invoices, order forms, etc.) related to the items in my collection. Not much has changed for me over the… Continue Reading

April HolmeWork Assignment: Gibraltar’s 1994 Golden Sherlock Holmes Coins

April HolmeWork Assignment: Gibraltar’s 1994 Golden Sherlock Holmes Coins

A few weeks back, we published Ed Rochette’s 1995 syndicated column featuring the Pobjoy Mint releasing a series of coins commemorating the Return of Sherlock Holmes. Twenty-four different coins were struck in 3 different metals with 8 different designs. We have photographs of the 8 cupro-nickel Crowns and the 8 .925 fine sterling silver coins.… Continue Reading

Numismatic Remembrances of the Boer War 1899 – 1902

Numismatic Remembrances of the Boer War 1899 – 1902

…was the latter end of June, 1902, shortly after the conclusion of the South African War. – The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR)  By the seventh sentence of The Three Garridebs, Dr. Watson references the end of the Boer War to date the story.  The Literary Agent, Arthur Conan Doyle, had written two works about the conflict… Continue Reading

Gibraltar Marks The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1995)

Gibraltar Marks The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1995)

Just ask any fan of the world’s first consulting detective. Sherlock Holmes lives! He is alive and well, considering his age, and settled comfortably in Sussex raising bees. If this were not true, why then would the Baker Street Irregulars have celebrated his birthday Jan. 6? To these devotees, Holmes turns 140 and his birthday… Continue Reading

British Royal Mint Unveils Fifth Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

British Royal Mint Unveils Fifth Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

“She stood grandly defiant, a queenly figure…” – The Adventure of the Second Stain (SECO) Earlier, we had posted that a new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II would be unveiled in 2015 and reviewed the previous four portraits of Her Majesty that has graced British coins since 1952.  On March 2nd, the Royal Mint unveiled… Continue Reading

U.S. Mint Releases 2015 March of Dimes $1 Featuring FDR

U.S. Mint Releases 2015 March of Dimes $1 Featuring FDR

Earlier, we had reported that the 2015 March of Dimes silver dollar would feature Baker Street Irregulars honorary member Franklin D. Roosevelt. A First Strike Ceremony was held March 11 at the U.S. Mint’s West Point facility and the coins went on sale to the general public two days later. From the U.S. Mint’s press… Continue Reading