Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

A 1937 Sherlockian Hobo Nickel by Gediminas Palsis

A 1937 Sherlockian Hobo Nickel by Gediminas Palsis

“I gazed with interest and some surprise upon the portrait.” – The Hound of The Baskervilles (HOUN) Back in 1992, the Original Hobo Nickel Society was formed to promote the collecting of engraved buffalo nickels that had been produced prior to 1980. Most of these “original” nickels were engraved with nails, knifes, files and perhaps some punches.… Continue Reading

Sherlock Hound – A Small Client (1984)

Sherlock Hound – A Small Client (1984)

“… the counterfeiter stands in a class by himself …” – The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR) Between November 6, 1984 and May 21, 1985, 26 episodes of the animated series Sherlock Hound aired in Japan. Based on the Sherlock Holmes stories, the characters were portrayed by anthropormorphic dogs. Sherlock Hound was the title… Continue Reading

A Challenge Coin for the Pinkertons

A Challenge Coin for the Pinkertons

“But you’ve heard of Pinkerton‘s?” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) Pinkerton’s Detective Agency is mentioned in two of the stories of the Canon – The Valley of Fear and The Adventure of the Red Circle. This 38mm challenge coin  has a very nice rendering of the Pinkerton’s logo. For those that like to collect items that… Continue Reading

Elementary Episode Plot To Rob the EROC

Elementary Episode Plot To Rob the EROC

“… we have never had occasion to unpack the money …” – The Red-Headed League (REDH) In the 19th epsiode of Elementary’s first season, titled Snow Angels, the program begins with a robbery and murder taking prior to a heavy snowstorm hitting New York. The robbery is an attempt at misdirection and the criminal’s main objective is to… Continue Reading

Mary Morstan Shoots a 50 Pence Coin in “His Last Vow”

Mary Morstan Shoots a 50 Pence Coin in “His Last Vow”

“… one of the best shots in the world …” – The Adventure of the Empty House (EMPT) When reading the sixty stories of the Canon, there are numerous references to coins and/or money through out the stories. However, when viewing the 13 episodes of the BBC television series, Sherlock, the references to money is somewhat limited. In… Continue Reading

Paddington Bear & Sherlock Holmes

Paddington Bear & Sherlock Holmes

“…  two men had come from Paddington …” – The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb (ENGR) On October 13, 1958, the children’s book A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond and illustrated by Peggy Fortnum was published. This was the introduction of Paddington Bear, a very polite and anthropomorphised bear. In 2014, a animated film Paddington was released. As part of… Continue Reading

Technicians Keep Diligently At Television Experiments (April 3, 1938)

Technicians Keep Diligently At Television Experiments (April 3, 1938)

Eye’s Deception of Mind Creates Real Television Problem Original Caption: A tense scene during the telecast of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Three Garridebs,”  featuring Sherlock Holmes.  Arthur Maitland as John Garrideb, Louis Hector as Sherlock Holmes If seeing were believing, the puzzles of television entertainment would be as simple as ABC, but since the… Continue Reading

Update on HolmeWork Assignment: A Sherlock Holmes Silver Medal from the 1890’s?

Update on HolmeWork Assignment: A Sherlock Holmes Silver Medal from the 1890’s?

“She had flung into the lake a bag containing some curious contents.” – The Adventure of The Musgrave Ritual (MUSG) Back in September 2015, we published one of our first HolmeWork assignments about a possible 1890s silver medal with a scene from a Sherlock Holmes story. We reprinted a comment from the July 7, 2002 issue of The E-Sylum: Christopher Eimer writes: “The… Continue Reading

Data! Data! Data! – The Red Circle

Data! Data! Data! – The Red Circle

“‘Data! Data! Data!‘ he cried impatiently. ‘I can’t make bricks without clay.’” – The Adventures of The Copper Beeches (COPP) This column is composed of material (Data!) developed for a short course called Appreciating Sherlock Holmes that I teach twice a year in the Community Education Life Enrichment Program for a local community college.  It is… Continue Reading

From Watson’s Tin Box: The Red Circle

From Watson’s Tin Box: The Red Circle

“Somewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch-box with my name, John H. Watson, MD, Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid.” – The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR) Watson’s Tin Box, a BSI scion that meets in Columbia, Maryland, shares a few… Continue Reading