Irregular Postings on Coin Collecting & Numismatics - Both Canonical & Conanical

A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Numismatists Do Not Fear Change

Numismatic Items in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother

Numismatic Items in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother

“… my unhappy brother…” – The Sign of the Four (SIGN) Gene Wilder wrote, directed and starred in the 1975 musical comedy The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother. Wilder would portray Sigerson while being assisted by Marty Feldman’s character of Orville Sacker, a Scotland Yards record clerk with a “photographic” memory for hearing. They would investigate… Continue Reading

The 1995 Sherlock Holmes Philatelic Numismatic Covers

The 1995 Sherlock Holmes Philatelic Numismatic Covers

“Or did it come through the post?” – The Adventure of the Reigate Squire (REIG) In October 1993, the United Kingdom issued five different 24 pence stamps featuring Sherlock Holmes themes. In May 1995, a set of five different Philatelic – Numismatic Combination Covers (envelope with postal cancellation and a numismatic item, usually a coin) or… Continue Reading

From Watson’s Tin Box – The Naval Treaty

From Watson’s Tin Box – The Naval Treaty

“Somewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch-box with my name, John H. Watson, MD, Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid.” – The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR) Watson’s Tin Box, a BSI scion that meets in Columbia, Maryland, shares a few… Continue Reading

TFG Issued Souvenir Card for 2019 BSI Weekend

TFG Issued Souvenir Card for 2019 BSI Weekend

“Surely you will stay and have some dinner?” – The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN) For the second consecutive year, The Fourth Garrideb issued a souvenir card for the Baker Street Irregulars Weekend this past January. Attendees of the annual BSI Dinner, the Dinner for “The Woman,” and the Gaslight Gala received one of our 8.5 by… Continue Reading

Campaign Medals of Jude Law’s Dr. Watson

Campaign Medals of Jude Law’s Dr. Watson

“I served at the fatal battle of Maiwand.” – A Study in Scarleti (STUD) We have done a few posts before on the various cinematic versions of Dr. Watson and the various military decorations they have worn. We now turn our attention to the portrayal by Jude Law in the two movies in the Robert Downey,… Continue Reading

A Sherlockian Hobo Nickel Design for ANA’s National Coin Week Challenge

A Sherlockian Hobo Nickel Design for ANA’s National Coin Week Challenge

“… the artist had brought out the full effect…” – The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (NOBL) National Coin Week, sponsored by the American Numismatic Association (ANA), is fast approaching with an April 21 start date. Several years back (pre 2016) the ANA sponsored a contest encouraging elementary students to design their own hobo nickels. One student,… Continue Reading

Numismatic Rembrances of the 1951 Festival of Britain

Numismatic Rembrances of the 1951 Festival of Britain

“… like lamps at a festival… “ – A Study In Scarlet (STUD) During the summer of 1951, the Festival of Britain was held throughout the United Kingdom, with a major exhibition on the South Bank of the River Thames. Originally conceived as a centennial celebration of the famous 1851 Great Exhibition, the large amount of… Continue Reading

Faces of Holmes: Buddy Ebsen

Faces of Holmes: Buddy Ebsen

“… an incomparable actor.” – A Study in Scarlet (STUD) When I hear the name of Buddy Ebsen, I recall his nine seasons as Jed Clampett on the CBS television series The Beverly Hillbilliies. Others recall his role as Georgie Russel, Davy Crockett”s sidekick on the Disney mini-series of Davy Crockett. Ebsen would portray detective Barnaby Jones… Continue Reading

Edgar W. Smith & The 1929 General Motors Export Company Managing Directors’ Conference Medal

Edgar W. Smith & The 1929 General Motors Export Company Managing Directors’ Conference Medal

“… at this conference.” – The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone (MAZA) If there was a Mount Rushmore for the greats of the Baker Street Irregulars, Edgar W. Smith would probably be one of the four chosen to be immortalized. In 1935, Smith would start a correspondence with Vincent Starrett and would learn of the Baker Street… Continue Reading

A Sherlock Hound Phonecard

A Sherlock Hound Phonecard

” Holmes the sleuth-hound” – The Red-Headed League (REDH) We discussed Sherlock Hound on these pages before. Between November 6, 1984 and May 21, 1985, 26 episodes of the animated series Sherlock Hound aired in Japan. Based on the Sherlock Holmes stories, the characters were portrayed by anthropomorphic dogs. Sherlock Hound was the title given to the series when syndicated… Continue Reading