A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Missed the Live Reading of the 1937 3GAR TV Script?
“… the stage upon which tragedy has been played …”
– The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)
Today is our group’s sixth anniversary and the original plan was for us to be in Pittsburgh this past week attending the American Numismatic Association’ s (ANA) World’s Fair of Money and holding our Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes Dinner this past Wednesday. Then the COVID-19 pandemic messed up our plans. We did hold a virtual version of the dinner on Wednesday and thanks to the four Garridebs that joined the call.
Because we are bored, we came up with the idea of doing a virtual reading on our birthday of our namesake story, The Adventure of the Three Garridebs. Then we took a twist and decided to read the script that was used on the November 27, 1937 and the September 16, 1938 broadcast on the National Broadcasting Company television airwaves. These two broadcasts were the very first television appearance of Sherlock Holmes, portrayed by Louis Hector. Both broadcasts are believed lost, but the script was reprinted as pat of Lenox R. Lohr’s 1940 book, Television Broadcasting. You can read the script HERE, which was adapted for television by Thomas H. Hutchinson.
We broadcast the reading live earlier today on our group’s Facebook page. My thanks to the Fourth Garrideb Players for the outstanding job they did in performing their roles:
Sherlock Holmes – David Harnois
Dr. Watson – Charles Prepolec
John Garrideb – Steve Mason
Nathan Garrideb – Mike McSwiggin
Inspector Lestade – Richard Krisciunas (a late substitution for an ill Don Hobbs)
Mrs. Hudson – Karen Wilson
Mrs. Saunders – Deborah Clark
If you missed the live performance, you can view the recording above showing all of the players in gallery view mode.
And the reviews are coming in!
Great job, everyone! Applause! – Carla Coupe
So much better than that stage play that David Arquette tried doing! – GR
David Harnois, superb as ever, and with the support of a stellar cast. – Brenda Rossini
Wait – there was no nudity?!? – Oliver Clozoff
Quite decent with the accents. Better than many of the radio shows from the 1940s. – Phil Bergem
It is impossible for me to watch Mike McSwiggin without smiling. – Rob Nunn
Well done my boy! – Susan Harnois
Made me forget about Will Ferrell’s performance. – BK
Enjoy watching the video! As an alternative view, we offer the speaker view option below, with the camera showing the speaker whose microphone is being picked up by the recording.
Thanks to the 42nd Garrideb, Denny Dobry for scanning the script and to the 19th Garrideb, Steve Mason, for creating the .pdf file
I just finished watching the telecast reading of the 1937 scrip for the TV show, The Three Garridebs. My complements to you all, an excellent job. It held my interest from beginning to end.
Thanks again, and keep up the great work.
Eugene S. Vancouver Canada