A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

BSI Member Frank Cho Issued Challenge Coin
“Oh, the she-devil!”
– The Adventure of the Illustrious Client (ILLU)
Earlier this year, shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning, noted comic artist Frank Cho announced a Kickstarter campaign centered around a limited edition cover for the Red Sonja, the “She-Devil with a Sword” character he has rendered.
Now, earlier in January, Cho became a member of the Baker Street Irregulars with the investiture of “The Duke of Balmoral.” Cho has done the artwork for the printed program of their dinner the last two years. As the campaign notes: Frank Cho is one of the most popular artists working in comics today. He is known for his creator owned properties Fight Girls, Liberty Meadows and Skybourne, as well as his covers and interior artwork for Marvel Comics that include The Mighty Avengers, New Ultimates, Savage Wolverine, and Totally Awesome Hulk. For DC Frank has completed over 60 Harley Quinn covers that have proven to be wildly popular.
This challenge coin was an add-on, available for $20. The campaign was funded in less than 10 minutes after being announced.
While we have documented many Sherlokian-themed challenge coins on our site, how many challeng coins have been designed by Sherlockians?
We would have thought we would have learned about this item from the 74th Garrideb, Mike McSwiggin (aka Frank’s best friend), but no! Our thanks to the 87th Garrideb, Ray Riethmeier, for alerting us!
The challenge coin is available now on Indiegogo:
[…] a few weeks ago, we posted about the Kickstarter campaign that artist, and BSI member, Frank Cho launched earlier this year that included a challenge coin. We were late to that news when we posted […]