A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Maryland National Capital Park Police Issue Sherlockian Themed Challenge Coin
“… made my way across the park…”
– The Red-Headed League (REDH)
During the summer of 2019, the Maryland – National Capital Park Police issued a challenge coin that featured the cartoon character of Snoopy wearing a deerstalker hat and cape, in the classic Sherlockian pose.
OBVERSE: MARYLAND – NATIONAL CAPITAL / (MNCPP Badge over a background of a United States flag) / PARK POLICE
REVERSE: Investigative Service Unit / (state of Maryland outline, with Maryland state flag as background) / (cartoon character of Snoopy, facing right, in deerstalker hat and cape, holding magnifying glass) / (MNCPP patch) / “In God we trust, all else NCIC”
45mm, Enamel, Round
To date, we have only been able to find examples for sale on various online auction services.
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