A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

A Graphic Novel Version of 3GAR
“… a highly sensational and flowery rendering of the whole incident.”
– The Adventure of the Six Napoleons (SIXN)
Usually, if you are looking to read The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, you’ll find it in The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, the collection of the last 12 stories of the Sherlock Holmes Canon to be published. Perhaps, in some other volume with multiple Holmes stories.
It is unusual to find a stand-alone version of Three Garridebs, unless you have one of the three magazines that originally published the story back in 1924 and 1925.
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Three Garridebs is the 13th of 14 volumes in the On the Case with Holmes and Watson graphic novel series published by the Graphic Universe imprint of the Lerner Publishing Group. The series is designed to introduce third through six graders to the Sherlock Holmes stories.
The original story by Arthur Conan Doyle was adapted by Murray Shaw and M. J. Cosson for the graphic novel format. The story was illustrated by Sophie Rohrbach and JT Morrow.
Available in paperback or hardbound editions, the series can be purchased directly from the publisher, or on the secondary market.There are also teaching guides for four stories in the series that can be downloaded for free.
Many of our readers here can also access an e-book version of the series online via their local public library systems. Check to see if your library offers access to Hoopla, an online provider of digital services to libraries. In addition to this series of e-books, they have a wealth of available material related to Sherlock Holmes.
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