A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Chad Issues 2018 5,000 Franc Coin “Honoring” the Hound
“Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!”
– The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)
OBVERSE: YEAR OF THE DOG 2018 / (a snarling, drooling hound, with paws scratching into the soil. Pagodas, cloud, the moon and the Chinese character for the word “dog” in the background)
REVERSE: REPUBLIQUE DU TCHAD / Mouse Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake (lunar symbol) Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig / (the Chad coat of arms within two clawed paws) / OMINOUS LUNAR CALENDAR / 1 Troy Oz 5000 Francs CFA 999 Fine Silver
39mm, .999 Silver, Round
The Republic of Chad contracted with Artisian Coin Productions to produce a annual coin to commemorate the Chinese lunar calendar, with the year’s theme featured in an ominous setting. The first coin was the 2018 Year of the Dog and was “inspired by the Arthur Conan Doyle story of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Mintage is limited to 999 coins and were struck by the privatized Mint of Poland.
Each coin has its serial number etched on the rim with a matching number and certificate of authenticity laser engraved on the bottom of a light-weight aluminum screw-top box.
Your editor has serious reservations about including this coin in the catalog of Sherlock Holmes numismatic items. While the coin is very attactive and well designed, no where does it mention Sherlock Holmes or the Hound. Neither does the tin, which doubles as the certificate of authenticity for the coin. However, the canvas bag, where the tin is placed within, mentions the Hound, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dr. Watson, Holmes and the Baskerville family.
This coin is currently being heavily promoted on online auction services. The production company has also created a video to promote the coin as well.
A truly awesome coin! My wife bought 3 of them for me, because I am one of the “Hounds of the Baskerville (sic.)”. Interesting to note that the hound on the obverse has 5 lethal claws facing front, while the claws on the reverse, encircling the Chad coat of arms, number 6, on each paw. A real dog has only 4 front-facing claws, and one “dew-claw” that is sort of on the back of his foot.
The DOG is one of the 12 animals of the Chinese lunar calendar cycle. Shown on the reverse of the coin, the animals are listed but the MOUSE should be RAT, in the traditional calendar. The cycle is further enhanced by 5 elements: Metal; Water; Wood; Fire; Earth. These elements have a strengthening or modifying influence on each sign. So, with a 12 year cycle, modified by 5 elements, we have a 60 year overall cycle. This year, 2018, is therefore the “Year of the Earth Dog”. I am of the year of the “Fire Dog”. The next Year of the Dog, 2030, will be the Metal Dog’s year.
With the promise of further coins in the series, could we hope for coins dedicated to:
Rat, in 2020 – the Giant Rat of Sumatra (SUSS)
Tiger, in 2022 – Tiger of San Pedro (WIST)
Horse, in 2026 – Silver Blaze, of course! (SILV)
Snake, in 2025 – Dr. Roylott’s snake (SPEC)
Monkey, in 2028 – Dr. Roylott’s baboon (SPEC)
[…] was also the Year of the Dog in the Chinese lunar calendar and the African nation of Chad issued a .999 fine silver 5000-Francs coin that features a very fearful version of the Hound of…. Nowhere on the coin does it reference the Hound, nor does the tin holder that the coin can be […]