A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Garridebs in the News
“Under a series of flaming headlines …”
– The Adventure of the Retired Colourman (RETI)

We were surprised to learn that it’s been 11 months since we last featured our fellow Garridebs in the news. We have a lot to cover, beginning with news from the recent Sherlock Holmes weekend in New York.
Denny Dobry was admitted to membership of the Baker Street Irregulars on Friday, January 12, 2018 with the investiture of “A Single, Large Airy Sitting-Room.” In addition that night, Michael J. Quigley delivered the toast to Mrs. Hudson, and Ross E. Davies and William Walsh gave presentations during the dinner.
The New York Times published an article in its January 14, 2018 edition about the weekend’s events that featured Garridebs Peter E. Blau, Burt Wolder and Bob Katz. We appreciate the Times including a link to our Meet The Garridebs feature on Katz. Dorothy Marie Nash, the 35th Garrideb, helped coordinate the Christopher Morley Memorial Walk on Thursday, January 11. That night, the 36th Garrideb, Michael J. Quigley served as the auctioneer during the Baker Street Babes’ The Daintiest Scream on the Moor Charity Ball, an event that raised nearly $6,000 for the Disabled American Veterans trust.
On Saturday, January 13, the BSI Press released its newest volume, Trenches: The War Service of Sherlock Holmes, in the Vendors Room. The 29th Garrideb, Robert H. Katz, co-edited the volume. The book features chapters by Garridebs Phillip Bergem, Ross E. Davies, Greg D. Ruby, and Burt Wolder. The 288 page hardcover book can be ordered HERE.
Saturday also saw the release of the 2018 edition of the revived Saturday Review of Literature, the sixth in the series. This issue features articles by Phillip Bergem and Harrison Hunt, along with book reviews by Burt Wolder and Richard Sveum.
December had the Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota issuing thier Christmas Annual, the 16th in the series. The 78th Garrideb, Phillip Bergem, was a co-editor of the volume and George A. Vanderburgh, the 20th Garrideb, contributed a chapter as well.
The Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes held their annual Autumn Luncheon on Saturday, November 18 in New York. At that meeting, Ira Brad Matetsky received the ASH investiture of The Lawyer Whose Name Was Given in the Paper and Don Hobbs received his ASH investiture of Inspector Lestrade.
ASH’s quarterly journal, The Serpentine Muse, featured contributions throughout 2017 by 7 different Garridebs – Bob Katz, Steve Mason, Burt Wolder, Harrison Hunt, Ira Brad Matetsky, Harrison Hunt, and Debbie Clark.
Steve Mason, the 19th Garrideb, headed up a project to assemble the first 40 volumes of The Serpentine Muse on a searchable CD-ROM that was available during the recent Sherlock Holmes Weekend.
The Autumn 2017 issue of The Baker Street Journal features an article by the 62nd Garrideb, Don Hobbs, Sherlock Holmes in Shorthand.
Watson’s Tin Box of Maryland issued the 2017 edition of Irene’s Cabinet in August and included an article by Greg Ruby.
This past July saw the release of The Newspapers by the Sherlockians of Baltimore. Edited by Greg Ruby, the 120 page book features articles by Michael J. Quigley, John Baesch, James O’Leary and Ruby.
The John H Watson Society published two issues of The Watsonian in 2017. The May issue featured contributions by Alex Gregory, Beth Gallego, James O’Leary and Harrison Hunt The November issue featured the following Garridebs and their contributions – Alex Gregory, Beth Gallego and Brad Keefauver.
The Crew of the Barque Lone Star issued A Grimm Holmes, a series of pastiches based on the fairy tales by Grimm. Edited by Steve Mason, this collection features stories by Michael J. Quigley, Walt Pieper and Mason. You can download this volume by clicking HERE.
Chris Redmond has edited About Being A Sherlockian, a collection of 60 essays that explore what it is to be a Sherlockian. Essays were contributed by 6 different Garridebs – Bob Katz, Beth Gallego, Harrison Hunt, Don Hobbs, Christopher Music, Monica Schmidt and Charles Prepolec. You can order your copy HERE.
Congratulations to all!
Thanks for the synopsis! A lot of great new publications to delve into!