A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Postal Stamp Issued for the Bank of France’s Bicentennial in 2000
“We had occasion some months ago to strengthen our resources, and borrowed, for that purpose, thirty thousand Napoleons from the Bank of France.”
– The Red-Headed League (REDH)
In this month’s story of The Red-Headed League, the City & Suburban Bank had increased their reserves by borrowing 30,000 gold Napoleons from the Bank of France. In 2000, the La Poste issued a 3 Franc stamp commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Bank of France.
Postal service was nationalized and became a public service during the French Revolution. In 1879, the French government created what would become the PTT – Postal, Telegraph & Telephones – to adminster these services. During the socialist party control of the French government, the PTT was split into two separate companies – La Poste and France Telecom – on January 1, 1991. La Poste has their stamps printed by the Imprimerie des Timbres-Poste et Valeurs Fiduciaires or ITVF for short.
Unused examples of this stamp can be found for around $1 with a little searching.
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