A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Hans Sloane and the British Museum – HistoryExtra Podcast Episode
” I shall be the Hans Sloane of my age.”
– The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR)
Back in June, we reported on the release of a new biography of Hans Sloane by James Delbourgo. A few weeks later, the website Historyextra released a podcast where Delbourgo was interviewed and questioned on his new work, Collecting the World.
They offer the following description for the podcast: Author and historian James Delbourgo discusses his new book Collecting the World, which explores the life of the 18th-century natural historian Hans Sloane whose collections went on to form the basis of the British Museum in London.
You can listen to the 43 minute episode by clicking HERE. It is an interesting way to learn about the man who inspired Nathan Garrideb.
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