A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

We are Thankful
“We must be thankful for what we’ve got.”
– The Valley of Fear (VALL)
Tomorrow, here in the United States, is our Thanksgiving holiday. It is a time to be reflective and offer our thanks for many things.
Thank you to our readers and members for joining us and reading our posts here. You are a dedicated group of enthusiasts.
Thank you to Frank Mentzel for his monthly Data! Data! Data! columns that provide a quick and concise listing of facts and items about each month’s story.
Thank you to Watson’s Tin Box, Debbie Clark and Denny Dobry for sharing photos of items from their vast collection of evidence boxes to accompany each month’s story.
Thank you to Brad Keefauver for sharing his 17 Steps column for each month’s story. He raises several interesting questions that are thought provoking and I do hope for more conversation and debate each month as we go forward.
Thank you to Peter E. Blau for constantly being a source of reference on various Sherlockian items and recollections. We also appreciate that he shares some of our items with the readers of his Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press from time to time.
Thank you to Wayne Homren and the Numismatic Bibliomania Society for sharing several excerpts of our posts on The E-Sylum. It has generated some discussion within their readership and led to a few topics to be posted here as well.
Thank you to Steven Rothman for his generous permission to reprint several items from back issues of The Baker Street Journal. Having edited this site for a tad over two years, I am amazed how he is still producing quality issues after 16 years as Editor.
Thank you to Roger Johnson for his assistance and in sharing with us items from the Sherlock Holmes Society of London.
Thank you to Bob Katz for being a sounding board for ideas and his wise counsel.
Thanks to those folks who send me notes of “have you seen this,” and letting me know of new items that might be of interest here. By my count, there are now over 300 numismatic items out there with a Sherlockian connection and we have documented over 170 of them on this site.
Thank you to those that take the time to post comments to the various posts here. It is always good to hear from you and I hope for more participation going forward.
Thank you to the folks at the Newman Numismatic Portal at Washington University in St. Louis. Your efforts to scan numismatic publications have resulted in my discovery of many Sherlock Holmes related items to share with readers here.
Thanks to the many friends made over 40 years in the coin collecting arena and the last 3 years in the Sherlockian fandom.
There is always a danger when listing those to thank, that someone is inadvertently left out. Please accept this as a preemptive apology for anyone that I might have wronged by omitting here.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family this weekend. Amid the football, food, parades and sales, please take a moment to step back and reflect on what you are thankful for.
And thank you to Greg for all of this….