A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Answers to The Inquisition: The Golden Pince-Nez
“… I am not sure that we could ever have reached our solution.”
– The Adventure of The Golden Pince-Nez (GOLD)

It’s hard to believe but we are at the end of September and it is time for our Inquisitor, Denny Dobry, to provide us the answers to this month’s quiz – each monthly quiz is on the featured story of the month and this month was The Adventure of The Golden Pince-Nez. We now present the ANSWERS after the question in BOLD text. Page numbers, after the answers, refer to Doubleday’s Complete Sherlock Holmes.
- The gardener at Yoxley Old Place was a veteran of what? The Crimean War (Page 609)
- Approximately how many cigarettes did Coram smoke in a day? 71 – 1000/fortnight (Page 615)
- What was distinctive about the lock on the wooden bureau in the Professor’s Study? It was a ‘CHUBB’ lock. (Page 614)
- Hopkins may have only been a promising detective, but what about him shined? ‘..his shining waterproof.’ (Page 608)
- What are the two absurd theories that the professor offer for the cause of Willoughby Smith’s death? That his death was an accident or a suicide. (Page 616)
- Who operated the bath chair? Mortimer, the gardener. (Page 609)
- What recycled item has caught Holmes’ attention in this adventure? A palimpsest. (Page 608)
- By what physical trait did Susan Tarlton recognize Smith? ‘ ..his quick, firm tread.’ (Page 609)
- What took the professor three tries before he succeeded? Finding a secretary that suited him. (Page 609)
- It is not uncommon for a killer to use a curtain for this purpose, but Anna used what instead? A bookcase to hide behind. (Page 619)
Our Inquisitor, Denny Dobry, was accepted as a Journeyman Copper Beech Smith at the April 2015 meeting of The Sons of The Copper Beeches of Philadelphia. If you are ever in the Reading, PA area, you should check out his recreation of the sitting room at 221B Baker Street. You can learn more about his sitting room by clicking here.
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