A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Two TFG Members Issued Sherlockian Themed Wooden Money
“It is a little souvenir …”
– A Case of Identity (IDEN)
In 1995, the 7th Garrideb Bob Fritsch issued the above wooden nickel, which he called “A Baker Street Shilling.” In the April 1995 issue of Scuttlebutt From The Spermaceti Press, Peter E. Blau called this “an imaginative Sherlockian wooden shilling as his calling card.
OBVERSE: (silhouette bust of Sherlock Holmes, facing right, with deerstalker cap and pipe) / ONE BAKER STREET SHILLING
REVERSE: HOUNDS OF THE / INTERNET / “PORLOCK” / ROBERT F. FRITSCH / P.O. Box 3003 / NASHUA, NH / 03061-3003 / 1995 / rfritsch @ rapnet. sanders. lockheed. com
38mm. Wood, Round
The above wooden dollar was issued by the 6th Garrideb, Greg Ruby, as his calling card while he attended the Baker Street Irregulars Weekend in New York City in January 2015.
OBVERSE: Greg Ruby / (Mr. Boh caricature, facing left, wearing a deerstalker cap) / The Sherlockian Coin Collector
REVERSE: BSI Weekend 2015 / Greetings / from / Baltimore / MD, Hon! / Greg @ FourthGarrideb . com
51mm, Wood, Round, 500 made
The Mr. Boh caricature is a Baltimore advertising icon, being the face of National Bohemian Beer, which was brewed in Baltimore from 1885 until the late 1980’s.
[…] This upcoming week, Sherlockians converge on New York City for the BSI Weekend. Your beloved (?!?!) editor is arriving on Wednesday, January 13th and will be out and about with fellow Sherlockians through Sunday the 17th. I hope to see many of you there and please be sure to get one of my wooden nickel souvenirs from me. This will be my second trip to a BSI Weekend; last year, I issued a wooden dollar. […]
[…] Robert F. Fritsch, the 7th Garrideb aka The Coiner (by the zinc and copper filings in the seam of his cuff), issued a Sherlockian wooden nickel during last summer’s World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia. This is Bob’s second Sherlockian wooden nickel – he issued his first back in 1995. You can read about that one HERE. […]
[…] issued this wooden shilling in 1995, and you can read about that HERE and another for our TFG Numismatic Friends of Sherlock Holmes Dinner in Philadelphia in 2018, which […]