A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Trifles Podcast Discusses Plot Devices of the Three Garridebs
“Saw through my game, I suppose …”
– The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR)
We like to celebrate all things about The Adventures of the Three Garridebs, the Sherlock Holmes story that our group takes our name from. Earlier today, the tag team of Scott Monty and the 47th Garrideb, Burt Wolder, released episode 26 of their weekly podcast Sherlock Holmes: Trifles.
This week’s podcast is titled The Plot Device of The Three Garridebs. Monty and Wolder discuss how the plot of The Three Garridebs borrows heavily from both The Red-Headed League and The Adventures of the Stock-Broker’s Clerk. The podcast lasts 16:47 and is a very easy listen.
You can listen to this episode HERE and if you want to listen to all of these excellent podcasts, click HERE. All of the podcasts are very well done and are worth the fifteen minutes (or so) of your time every week. I know I look forward to getting the email announcements every Wednesday morning about the latest episode, and I think you will also.
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