A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Lapel Pins from Elementary’s Sherlock
“… spoke of the meticulous care in dress for which he was famous.”
– The Adventure of the Illustrious Client (ILLU)
Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller – Elementary Season 2 promo picture
The internet is a vast and wondrous place. Having a little bit of free time lately, your editior has found online collections of old time radio broadcasts, an archive of the old Bloom County cartoons, videos of Beeethoven’s Ode to Joy being played on a kazoo, and this post about the lapel pins worn by Jonny Lee Mille’rs Sherlock character on Elementary.
We’re going to talk about that last item there for a minute. At first, it seemed like a odd topic to write about (says the guy who writes about coins and Sherlock Holmes). I then recalled a past episode of Elementary that I watched and remembered being interested by the lapel pin on Sherlock’s top coat and promptly forgetting about it then. Reading that blog post, I learned that, at least twice, Sherlock wore pins with a numismatic interest.
On the left, is what we have dubbed as the Garrideb Decadrachm, the coin we claim that Nathan Garrideb was polishing in The Adventure of the Three Garridebs. On the right, is the lapel pin that Jonny Lee Miller is wearing in the promo photograph above. See the similiarity?
This time we have a 1887 Jubilee Head gold sovereign on the left, and another lapel pin worn by Sherlock. An almost identical appearance.
Now, it’s time for some self promotion! Do you happen to own one of The Fourth Garrideb’s lapel pins? They are currently available in our SHOP, and bargain at only $10 postpaid.
It really is amazing what your can find surfing the internet!
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