A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

TFG Members in the News – February 2020
“Look at the headlines … “
– The Adventure of the Stockbroker’s Clerk (STOC)
Since the beginning of the year, several Garridebs have been in the news.
Noted pastiche author, Dan Andriacco, has recently published interviews with several Sherlockians on his Baker Street Blog. Recent Garridebs interviewed by Dan, include: Burt Wolder, Mike McSwiggin, Greg Ruby and Denny Dobry. All of those folks will be attending the Holmes, Doyle & Friends conference in Dayton, Ohio and most are presenting at the event.
Burt Wolder continues to produce the bimonthly I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcasts with Scott Monty. Once again, several Garridebs have recently been interviewed: Ira Brad Matetsky, one of the co-editors for Upon the Turf; Denny Dobry and Steve Mason discussed the Beacon Society. Steve Mason is also part of the crew that contribute the Baker Street Elementary feature weekly.
Garrideb Brad Keefauver produces the podcast Watsonian Weekly and we thank him for the shout out about our recent dinner in Atlanta.
Ira Brad Matetsky reports on the Dark Places, Wicked Companions and Strange Experiences in the Winter 2019 issue of the Baker Street Journal. The BSI Press has published Education Never Ends which includes a chapter by Bob Katz. The Worst Man in London is the latest publication in the BSI Manuscript Series and this volume cover ‘Charles Augustus Milverton’ with contributions by Phil Bergem and Monica Scmidt. BSI Press also relased Upon the Turf discussin canonical ties to horseracing. Coedited by Matetsky, it also features chapters by Matetsky, Schmidt, Charles Prebolec, Burt Wolder and Greg Ruby. For more info on the three BSI Press books, click HERE.
Congratulations to Ira Brad Matetsky on winning the Morley Montgomery Award for the best article published in the Baker Street Journal in 2019.
Well done all!
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