A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

TFG Member Hosting Open House on May 17
“A Single Large Airy Sitting-Room, Cheerfully Furnished”
– A Study in Scarlet (STUD)
Mark your calendar for May 17, 2020, and plan to attend a Book Fair and Open House at Denny Dobry’s 221b Baker Street sitting room recreation in Reading, Pennsylvania. The re-creation has been described as the most detailed and accurate of all the existing re-creations. Thousands of books will be available for purchase at rock-bottom prices. These books have been donated to support the Baker Street Irregulars Trust Historical Archives. The selection includes many editions of the Canon, rare Sherlockian Scholarship titles, hundreds of pastiches & parodies, a variety of non-Sherlockian Doyle’s works, titles from other mystery writers (Sayers, Christie, Queen, Starrett, etc.), an extensive Christopher Morley & P. G. Wodehouse selection and crime & British reference works. In addition, many items such as statues, glassware, mugs, games, jigsaw puzzles and posters will also be available. This sale likely provides the widest selection of Sherlockian items available anywhere.
The hours of the Open House/Book Fair will be from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm at 5003 Stony Run Drive, Reading, PA. Lunch will be available. Reading is 100 miles from Manhattan, 80 miles from Baltimore and 40 miles from Philadelphia. Start planning your carpools.
Denny is the 42nd Garrideb and fittingly, his investiture with us is “A Single Large Airy Sitting-Room, Cheerfully Furnished.” Your editor has been to Denny’s recreation several times, most recently in October when I was able to bring two fellow Garridebs along for the visit. They left flabbergasted and enjoyed themselves immensely. If you can make this open house, I heartily recommend you make the visit.
You may contact Denny at [email protected].
This post was mentioned on page 1 of the February 2020 issue of Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press, which can be viewed athttp://redcircledc.org/assets/files/Spermaceti/scuttlebutt-2020.pdf