“Somewhere in the vaults of the bank of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross, there is a travel-worn and battered tin dispatch-box with my name, John H. Watson, MD, Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid.”
– The Problem of Thor Bridge (THOR)
Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel-piece, and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box
Watson’s Tin Box, a BSI scion that meets in Columbia, Maryland, shares a few select items from their tin evidence box for The Sign of Four with us here at The Fourth Garrideb. These evidence boxes were originally created by the late Paul Churchill, BSI, one of the founders of Watson’s Tin Box and contains both genuine artifacts and genuine faux reproductions that he (and others) created. These items create a great deal of discussion at their monthly meetings and we hope it will do the same here. Enjoy!
I had opened my mouth to reply to this tirade, when, with a crisp knock, our landlady entered, bearing a card upon the brass salver. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxOn reaching London I drove to the Langham, and was informed that Captain Morstan was staying there, but that he had gone out the night before and had not returned. I waited all day without news of him. That night, on the advice of the manager of the hotel, I communicated with the police, and next morning we advertised in all the papers. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxAbout six years ago – to be exact, upon the 4th of May, 1882 – an advertisement appeared in The Times asking for the address of Miss Mary Morstan, and stating that it would be to her advantage to come forward. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxShe opened a flat box as she spoke, and showed me six of the finest pearls that I had ever seen. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box‘The envelope, too, please. Post-mark, London, S.W. Date, July 7. Hum! Man’s thumbmark on corner – probably postman. Best quality paper. Envelopes at sixpence a packet. Particular man in his stationery. No address. “Be at the third pillar from the left outside the Lyceum Theatre to-night at seven o’clock. If you are distrustful bring two friends. You are a wronged woman, and shall have justice. Do not bring police. If you do, all will be in vain. Your unknown friend.” Well, really, this is a very pretty little mystery! What do you intend to do, Miss Morstan?’ ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box‘You are certainly a model client. You have the correct intuition. Let us see, now.’ He spread out the papers upon the table, and gave little, darting glances from one to the other. ‘They are disguised hands, except the letter,’ he said, presently; ‘but there can be no question as to the authorship. See how the irrepressible Greek e will break out, and see the twirl of the final s. They are undoubtedly by the same person. I should not like to suggest false hopes, Miss Morstan, but is there any resemblance between this hand and that of your father?’ ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxMay I offer you a glass of Chianti, Miss Morstan? Or of Tokay? ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxI keep no other wines. Shall I open a flask? ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxWell, then, I trust that you have no objection to tobacco smoke, to the balsamic odour of the Eastern tobacco. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box
See that chaplet tipped with pearls beside the quinine-bottle? ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box
Mr. Sherman was a lanky, lean old man, with stooping shoulders, a stringy neck, and blue-tinted glasses. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxA map is drawn for them by an Englishman named Jonathan Small. You remember that we saw the name upon the chart in Captain Morstan’s possession. He had signed it in behalf of himself and his associates – the sign of the four, as he somewhat dramatically called it. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxDiminutive footmarks, toes never fettered by boots, naked feet, stone-headed wooden mace, great agility, small poisoned darts. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxThese little darts, too, could only be shot in one way. They are from a blowpipe. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxHe took the telegram out of his pocket, and handed it to me. It was dated from Poplar at twelve o’clock. ‘Go to Baker Street at once,’ it said. ‘If I have not returned, wait for me. I am close on the track of the Sholto gang. You can come with us to-night if you want to be in at the finish.’ ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxHe took a pair of night-glasses from his pocket and gazed some time at the shore. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence BoxMiss Morstan has done me the honour to accept me as a husband in prospective. ~ WTB SIGN Evidence Box
Thanks to the 42nd Garrideb, Denny Dobry, for the scans in this post. Thanks also to Debbie Clark, the 58th Garrideb, the current keeper of the evidence boxes.
Watson’s Tin Box, a BSI scion in Columbia, MD, is one of the most active Sherlockian groups in the Middle Atlantic region, Generally meeting on the last Monday of each month, the meetings feature canonical toasts, good conversations and dining, as well as a discussion of the month’s featured story and an educational presentation. For more information about Watson’s Tin Box, please visit their website HERE.
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