A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Suffolk County (NY) Police Issue Sherlockian Challenge Coin
“You wouldn’t squeal on a fellow?”
– The Valley of Fear (VALL)
In 2018, the Detective Bureaus of the Suffolk County Police Department issued a challenge coin prominently featuring Sherlock Holmes. Suffolk County is located in the middle of Long Island, New York.
OBVERSE: (5 stars) THE ART OF THE SQUEAL (5 stars) / (right facing Sherlock Holmes in inverness cape and deerstalker, holding a pipe and magnifying glass) / GENERAL SERVICES
REVERSE: (star) SUFFOLK COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT (star) / 1st 2nd 3rd 4th / (Suffolk County Police Department detective shield) The / Squad / 5th 6th 7th / (2 stars) PRECINCT DETECTIVE BUREAU (2 stars)
51mm, Round, Enamel
[…] are aware of three challenge coins being produced in 2018 that have Sherlockian themes. The Detective Bureau of Suffolk County (located in eastern Long Island in New York) issued a challenge … that features Holmes on the obverse of the coin. Another challenge coin honors the detectives of […]