A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Welcome IHOSE Episode #128 Listeners
“… difficulties caused by his own aversion to publicity.”
– The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot (DEVI)
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome those of you may have heard about us on Episode 128 of the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast. Your friendly editor was interviewed by Scott Monty and Burt Wolder (the 47th Garrideb, aka Dr. Thorneycroft Huxtable) and hopefully did not embarrass himself.
We touched on a number of topics very briefly during our conversation and the following posts can provide you with more detailed information on our discussions. In no particular order…..

We discussed how the idea for a club of Sherlockian coin collectors was developed by Edward C. Rochette over 20 years ago. You can watch a video of Sherlock Holmes & Numismatics that Rochette gave at the 1991 American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money by clicking HERE.
This is the souvenir elongated cent that was produced by the Maryland Token and Medal Society in 1989 that Rochette was asking your editor about, and that eventually led to the formation of The Fourth Garrideb. You can read about that HERE.
Scott Monty inquired about the 1994 Return of Sherlock Holmes coins issued by Gibraltar. You can read about those HERE and some of my thoughts about the 40,000 gold coins that were issued.
Twice a year our group holds a dinner in conjunction with National Money Show and the World’s Fair of Money, both events held by the American Numismatic Association. In 2018, the NMS will be in March in Irving, Texas and the August WFM will be held in Philadelphia. We invite local Sherlockians to join us for a night of good food and conversation and have a souvenir produced at each dinner. The photo above was from our August 2016 dinner in Anaheim and you can click HERE to see the souvenir we produced for our August 2017 dinner in Denver.
We briefly discussed challenge coins and there are many that feature Sherlock Holmes that you can check out by clicking HERE. That’s our own challenge coin, pictured on the left, which amazingly can be purchased in our SHOP, along with our lapel pins and some of our publications.
We also talked about some of the recent Legal Tender coins that have been issued around the world featuring Sherlockian themes. The South Pacific island nation of Tuvalu issued a dollar coin featuring Holmes and Professor Moriarty in 2011 and another in 2017 with Holmes and the Gloria Scott. In 2016, another South Pacific island nation, Niue issued two coins featuring the stars of the BBC television series Sherlock.
We discussed some of the coins that were mentioned in the stories of The Canon, and you can read about Money of the Late Victorian England. Burt Wolder brought up the name of R. Tait McKenize, who designed a medal for the Three Hours for Lunch Club, an earlier club formed by Christopher Morley prior to the founding of the Baker Street Irregulars.
Pictured above is the Garrideb Dekadrachm, the very coin Nathan Garrideb was polishing in The Three Garridebs when Holmes and Watson came to visit his quarters. Everyone who elects to become a lifetime member of The Fourth Garrideb recieves one of these coins. We consider this an homage to the shilling that the Baker Street Irregulars presents to its members. You can join us via our SHOP, we do charge a small fee to cover the cost of the coin, certificate and mailing. By the way, our coin is a replica. You can read how a real one of these coins sold for over $130,000 by clicking HERE.
Thanks for stopping by and checking us out. Feel free to browse and comment on any of the over 600 posts that we have done over the last three years. If you would like to reach out to us, please use our Contact Page. We look forward to hearing from you!
We would like to thank Scott Monty and Burt Wolder for having us as their guest on Episode 128 of IHOSE.
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