A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Dealer Coin for the Hound of the Baskervilles Playing Card Deck
“I had brought a pack of cards in my pocket …”
– The Adventure of the Red-Headed League (REDH)
In 2014, noted playing card designer Jackson Robinson came out with a card deck honoring The Hound of the Baskervilles. The cards sold out fairly quickly, but still can be found for sale on several of the online auction services.
In addition to the card deck, a dealer coin was also struck with the emblems from the card deck. In a casual game of poker, the right to deal a hand typically rotates among the players and is marked by a coin called a dealer button (or buck). In a casino, a house dealer handles the cards for each hand, but the button (typically a white plastic disk) is rotated clockwise among the players to indicate a nominal dealer to determine the order of betting. These dealer coins also sold out quickly, but can be found for sale on several of the online auction services.
OBVERSE: (silhouette design of the Hound, facing right, as taken from the cover of the 1902 edition published by George Newnes)
REVERSE: (monogram of the letters H and B
Round, 50.8mm, black nickel with red enamel
Below we have a short video reviewing the deck and showing the various card designs.
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