A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Don’t Take Any Wooden Nickels At BSI Weekend 2016
“It is a little souvenir …”
– A Case of Identity (IDEN)
This upcoming week, Sherlockians converge on New York City for the BSI Weekend. Your beloved (?!?!) editor is arriving on Wednesday, January 13th and will be out and about with fellow Sherlockians through Sunday the 17th. I hope to see many of you there and please be sure to get one of my wooden nickel souvenirs from me. This will be my second trip to a BSI Weekend; last year, I issued a wooden dollar.
OBVERSE: Greg Ruby / (Mr. Boh caricature, facing left, wearing a deerstalker cap and with a pipe) / The Sherlockian Coin Collector
REVERSE: BSI Weekend 2016 / (Logo of The Fourth Garrideb) / Greg @ FourthGarrideb. com
38mm, Wood, Round, 300 made
Be sure to ask me about TFG’s medal, lapel pin and new monograph A Fistful of Shillings , all of which will be available from me while we are in New York. All of the cool kids will want one of each……
I am a proud owner of one of these 38mm wooden beauties – having acquired mine just prior to the Gillette Luncheon on Friday Jan 15, 2016. While the hand off was taking place, I did lament the sad fate of last year’s acquired 51mm wooden dollar, which was accidently put through the washing machine and therefore lost to the ages.
I look forward to securing my 2016 wooden nickel upon arriving home so that it does not befall the same fate as its 2015 counterpart.
Thanks again for such a remarkably creative BSI Weekend keepsake!