A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

A Select Glossary of Victorian Underworld Slang
“She was accustomed to use slang of the kind.”
– The Adventure of The Noble Bachelor (NOBL)
At a recent meeting of the The Society of The Naval Treaty of Annapolis, there was a handout featuring Victorian underworld slang. I have excerpted several that are relevant to our interests here.
Albert – A gold watch chain which could be weighed in for its scrap value.
Anabaptist – Early Victorian slang for a pickpocket who was punished with a ducking under water.
Bit faker – Counterfeit coin maker.
Broadsman – Cardsharp, or anyone who cheated at cards for money.
Brown paper men – Gamblers who bet for merely pennies.
Cracksman Safe-breaker, or burglar who forces secure boxes.
Dip – Or dipper – pickpocket.
Duffer – A cheat, particularly someone who sells fake jewelry.
Fine wirer – Skilled pickpocket.
Flash notes – Paper crudely fashioned to look like banknotes.
Goddess Diana – Rhyming slang for sixpence (a tanner).
Knuck – A pickpocket.
Leaving shop – An unlicensed pawnbroker’s.
Lob sneak – Someone who snatched money from shop tills.
Maltooler – Pickpocket who operated on buses.
Penny swag – Hawker who sells goods in the street for a penny.
Peter – A safe.
Queer diver – Early Victorian for an incompetent pickpocket.
Regent – Half a sovereign.
Smasher – Someone who passed counterfeit money.
Snide pitching – Passing counterfeit money.
Stephen – Money.
Toffken – A wealthy household.
Tooling – Pickpocketing by experts.
Tombstone – A pawn ticket.
Up in the stirrups – Wealthy.
Verge – A gold watch.
Weighing the thumb – Giving short measure by depressing the scales with the thumb.
Yack – Early Victorian for a watch.
This glossary was excerpted from Elementary My Dear Watson: Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes by Graham Nown. The book can be purchased here.
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