A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Answers To The Inquisition: The Greek Interpreter
“Only to ask a few questions of a Greek gentleman who is visiting us, and to let us have the answers.”
– The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (GREE)
We are at the end of June and it is time for our Inquisitor, Denny Dobry, to provide us the answers to this month’s quiz – each monthly quiz is on the featured story of the month and this month was The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter. We now present the ANSWERS after the question in BOLD text. Page numbers, after the answers, refer to Doubleday’s Complete Sherlock Holmes.
- Who was the culprit in the Manor House case? Adams (Page 437)
- What is it that does Holmes believes not to be a virtue? Modesty (Page 435)
- If Holmes is 34 years of age at the time of this adventure, how old would Mycroft have been? 41, 34 + 7 (Page 435)
- Name the three places where Mycroft would most likely be found? Pall Mall, Whitehall, and the Diogenes Club (Page 436)
- What possession of Mycroft’s would be frowned upon by PETA? His tortoise-shelled snuff box (Page 437)
- Where would a Chinaman be likely stay in London, according to Mycroft? Northumberland Avenue Hotel (Page 438)
- Who knew Sophy Kratides very well, besides her brother and the two kidnappers? Davenport (Page 443)
- What was the name of the middle-aged villain with a catchy little laugh? Wilson Kemp (Page 446)
So, how did you do on the quiz? Congratulations to the 28th Garrideb, James C. O’Leary aka Others Perhaps Less Excusable, for being the first to respond to the Inquisitor with all of the correct answers
Next month, our quiz will be on The Adventure of The Speckled Band.
Our Inquisitor, Denny Dobry, is the Quiz Master for the John H Watson Society. If you are ever in the Reading, PA area, you should check out his recreation of the sitting room at 221B Baker Street. You can learn more about his sitting room by clicking here.
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