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Tag Archives: Sherlock Holmes

Gibraltar Marks The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1995)

Gibraltar Marks The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1995)

Just ask any fan of the world’s first consulting detective. Sherlock Holmes lives! He is alive and well, considering his age, and settled comfortably in Sussex raising bees. If this were not true, why then would the Baker Street Irregulars have celebrated his birthday Jan. 6? To these devotees, Holmes turns 140 and his birthday… Continue Reading

Sherlock Holmes Featured on NYPD Challenge Coin

Sherlock Holmes Featured on NYPD Challenge Coin

“There is always the chance of finger-marks or something.” – The Adventure of the Three Gables (3GAB) The Latent Print Section of New York’s Police Department issued a challenge coin featuring Sherlock Holmes in early 2015. For those not familiar with the concept of a challenge coin, it works like this. Traditionally, groups issued these… Continue Reading

Chicago Police Detectives Issues Sherlock Holmes Challenge Coin

Chicago Police Detectives Issues Sherlock Holmes Challenge Coin

“I was an officer in Chicago…” – The Valley of Fear (VALL) In early 2015, the Detective Division of the Chicago Police Department issued a challenge coin featuring Sherlock Holmes in its design.  The Chicago Police Department traces its roots to 1835 and is the second largest police department in the United States. OBVERSE: CHICAGO POLICE… Continue Reading

The Sherlock Holmes Centennial Art Medal Collection: An Update

The Sherlock Holmes Centennial Art Medal Collection: An Update

After publishing our January HolmeWork assignment on the Newcastle Mint, we came across this order form for the 12 medal series in the June 1987 issue of The Baker Street Journal (Vol. 37 No. 2 Page 80). It’s interesting to note that they limited one set per subscriber, not a wise decision in hindsight. With this… Continue Reading

January HolmeWork Assignment: The Sherlock Holmes Centennial Art Medal Collection

January HolmeWork Assignment: The Sherlock Holmes Centennial Art Medal Collection

  In the February 1986 issue of Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press, the 13th Garrideb, Peter E. Blau, published this nugget: The Newcastle Mint (6512 Belgrave, Garden Grove, CA 92645) has announced “The Sherlock Holmes 100 Year Commemorative Art Medal Collection” 72 art medals, 3 cm. in diameter, minted in pure gold on fine pewter ($20.00 each) or… Continue Reading

The Scandalous Bohemians of New Jersey Medal

The Scandalous Bohemians of New Jersey Medal

“…the abode of bohemian bachelors.” – The Adventure of The Three Garridebs (3GAR) The Scandalous Bohemians of New Jersey had their charter meeting on February 28, 1969 with eight members in attendance.¹ They would later have a irregular newsletter, The Scandal Sheet. The above medal appears to have been made in 1971. This would make this… Continue Reading

SherlockCoin SHC Crypto-Currency

SherlockCoin SHC Crypto-Currency

In early 2014, a Sherlock Holmes themed digital currency similar to bitcoin available from companies similar to bitcoin revolution, with a possible 221 coins to be mined. Crytpo-Currency is an alternative monetary exchange, in a digital format and operates using cryptography to secure the transactions. Two features that are typical in crypto-currency is decentralized control… Continue Reading